Chapter 11: All is well

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Previously on the ball: The Whimpering came from the room next to Harry's, Draco's room. He knocked twice and entered...

A tall blonde boy sat with his back against the pillar of his bed. He was softly crying, but still loud enough for Harry to hear. He walked over and sat next to Draco, not saying a single word. Instead, he just waited, waited for him to be done crying. "What do you want Harry?", the blonde finally said. Harry laid his head on Draco's shoulder, waiting a moment before answering: "I want you back Dray.". They sat in silence, but after a while, Harry finally asked the thing for which he had been wondering: 

"Why have you been ignoring me? Don't think I haven't noticed! I'm pretty oblivious, but I'm not that dumb. Did I do or say something wrong? Just tell me, that way I can improve!", Draco sighed. 

"Fine then. Do you want to know why I've been avoiding any contact with you? Do you want to know why I've been crying non-stop since Tuesday? Fine! When you hurt yourself, it ruined me! I hate thinking about the fact you're not happy and I especially hate seeing you hurt! It destroyed me when I found out! In fact, it completely destroyed me that the person I looked up to most would harm themselves. I'm disgusted.". 

His cheaks hadn't dried yet, but a new portion of water dripped from Draco's eyes and he finally he looked at Harry. His eyes were twinkling, but not in a good way, his lip began to slowly tremble and his face was pulled into a sad and shocked expression. They sat on the carpet for some time, just crying. Letting the negative emotions get hold of them. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence (except for the sound of their crying) and it wasn't an awkward one either. It felt good to cry on a shoulder, for both of them. Harry then finally responded to his friend: 

"I'm sorry Draco. I just felt like I had to do it since so many people died because of me. It's all my fault! I thought that maybe some people would be glad that I had cut my arm, but I guess not then....Can you forgive me?", Draco nodded and they hugged. "It's not your fault people died in the war. Those people died for a reason, but that reason is not you!". Harry was glad he had told Draco this, though he was the first one he had ever told about it. And for once Harry felt happy, just sitting there, next to a friend. Draco made him happy, but he didn't know why. Just something about him gave Harry this joyful feeling and he smiled. And Draco smiled. And it seemed like all the problems in the world were solved and for the first time, Harry felt like there was finally peace. 

They talked about what had happened ever since Tuesday, but when Harry yawned for the fifth time, he finally went to bed. Surprisingly he didn't have a nightmare, probably because he went to bed feeling happy.

That next morning Harry woke up early, but he knew exactly what to do! He was so getting Draco back for dying his hair pink Tuesday morning! He got out of bed and changed into his Gryfindor robes, then he searched for an object he could use to transfigure into a bucket. After that, he pourred some sparkly water into the bucket and dyied flashy green. He threw his invisibility cloke over him, snuck into Draco's room and pourred the water all over his friend. Draco shot up, saw that there was nobody there and immediately knew it was Harry and told him to come out, which Harry did. Oh my, but then Draco noticed the green goo all over him and freaked out about how his black silk pyama's were ruined! After taking a hot shower and cleaning up the mess, they ran off to breakfast. Draco was still complaining, but Harry shut him up by reminding him that he had dyied his hair pink a few days ago. They told each other goodbye and left for their seats. 

"You seem in a happy mood Harry! How are you?", Neville said, slowly pealing an orange. Harry chuckled, but instead of answering he turned around, looked at the Slytherin table, glanced at Draco and turned around again. Nobody seemed to have noticed the strange interaction between Draco and Harry except, except maybe Hermione... "Never been better Neville! How are you? Had a good night sleep?". Harry was talking so fast that the others had trouble following, but Neville managed to pronounce a vague 'Oh yeah I'm good too', between all the laughter and happiness surrounding Harry Potter. 

That morning they had potions, but after that they had Defence Against the Dark Arts with the newest professor. Rumours had it she was quite good at the job. Hermione couldn't stop talking about her at breakfast, talking about how smart she was and what a great teacher she was. Quite annoying actually. Even Draco Malfoy had to admit she was an amazing teacher. So Harry was excited to meet her, he still thought that Remus Lupin had been the best DADA (Defence Against the Dark Arts) teacher, was she truly better? 


Hey guys! Sorry for the delay of this Chapter, school just started again last week. How annoying and booooringg! Also sorry for this exceptionally short chapter, I just wanted to end it on a cliffhanger! I feel like I said the word 'Finally' to much in this chapter xD! In the next chapter, you'll hear all about the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. Professor Pooty xD. You'll also get to know a little more about Mike, (he's my favourite character, I love him so much!) because I guess you've all figured out he has a crush, haven't you ;)? And you'll also hear more about Ginny's relationship with Harry, but also about Sophia Bumblebee. Who is she? Why does she want to become friends with Harry all of a sudden? I guess you'll find out when the next chapter is out! ;D

Don't be who you are meant to be, be who you want to be :)


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