Chapter 3: Dorms

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Harry had the urge to slap himself in the face. How on earth did he not notice that?! Also, he just embarrassed himself in front of Malfoy! Draco fucking Malfoy! 

The literal sassiest person he knew. 

The guy he saved from a fire the year before.

 The guy who almost killed Dumbledore. 

The guy who was a Death eater and bullied everyone.

 Harry's cheaks flushed pink with embarassement and he quickly turned away from him, mumbling the words to the stone gargoyle, giving him access to the stairs leading up to the Headmistress' office. 

Draco followed Harry up the stairs, grinning. Harry knew this, he could feel Draco's silver eyes piercing the back of his head. He knocked on the large oak door. A pitchy voice called them in. Opening that door again Harry felt amazed. He could remember all the different sorts of reasons he had entered this special room in the past. He remembered in his sixth year when he had had private lessons with a great man, Professor Albus Dumbledore who had helped him defeat Voldemort.

 The same man that was murdered in Harry's presence. 

Tears welled up in his eyes, he hold them back, he couldn't start crying now. He would look weak. Suddenly Harry spotted a tall and severe-looking woman sitting at the desk, Professor McGonagall. He and Draco walked toward their new principal. "Professor", Draco said stiffly, "Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter, take a seat.", she said gesturing at the four comfortable-looking armchairs in front of her desk. 

Once both boys were seated, professor McGonagall asked them: "So, how have you both been after the events of last year?". This wasn't an easy topic, both boys had suffered terribly. The boy who lived, but also the boy who had no choice. "I've been good, I guess. I don't have visions anymore. I do still have a lot of nightmares about the war...", Harry slowly said. Draco was shocked. 

Since when did Harry have visions?

Though when he realized he was staring, he quickly looked at the ground again. It truly was a beautiful carpet..."What about you Draco?", he looked up, he could feel Harry look at him and looked back. Silver met Emerald but Draco broke the connection saying: "It's hard without my father at home, but I can manage, but I'd rather not speak of it honestly."

Then they heard another knock on the door and Luna and Mike came in. Luna sat next to Harry and Mike sat next to Malfoy who continuously kicked him while grinning. Professor McGonagall did not notice this so she went on: "As you may know you were chosen to decorate the Great hall for a ball. The ball will take place to celebrate the victory and to mourn the loss of many. So all attendants are requested to wear at least one piece of black clothing. It is you four that will host this ball, prepare it, and spread this information. You will be the one to set a date too. Any questions?". "Hermione said we'll be sharing rooms?", Harry told her, hoping this wasn't true. She looked at him and said: "Ah yes, Ms. Granger is right indeed. You will be staying in one of the South Towers. You will all have your own bedroom. There will be a bathroom you will all share and finally your own common room. So I suggest you go pack and remember to be back here in an hour!".

Luna was the first one to stand up and leave, followed by Mike and Draco, until Harry was left alone. He said: "Professor? The nightmares I have are getting worse! I have them almost every night now...It hurts.", tears streamed down his rosy cheeks. He didn't try to stop them because he knew McGonagall wouldn't mind them. She'd understand, she always did. She came to sit next to him and comforted him. She gave him a last hug and told him it was time to pack his stuff. 

When Harry returned to his common room Ron and Hermione were waiting for him. "So how did it go?", asked Hermione. Ron asked: "Was Malfoy rude to you? Do I need to jinx him?". Harry chuckled: "We'll be staying in one of the South Towers. We'll all have our own bedroom. There's also a bathroom and common room. And finally, no Ron. Malfoy wasn't mean to me for once.".

Hermione agreed to help Harry pack while Ron made the Charm's homework that was due a week ago. Harry looked down at the golden watch he had gotten from Sirius for his birthday a few years ago. It marked 10 am. Fuck!  He thought. "I need to go 'Mione! See you later!", Harry shouted while running to the Principals office. He had forgotten he had to be there at 10 am sharp. Harry said the password and mounted the grey stone stairs, dragging his trunk along the way. He knocked on the enormous wooden doors and entered the beautiful room. He then quickly joined the others. 


Hi guys! I hope you like the story so far! I'm actually surprised people read my story! I was freaking out about 18 people reading my story the other day. :/ Anyway it's kinda scary nobody comments, I feel like that's a bad thing? Just let me know if you don't like the story, be honest. 

P.S.: Comment ;) 

-MSGoldensnitchxX aka Maud 

Drarry fanfic story// ~°The ball°Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя