Chapter 4: Flubberwurm

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"Ah, Mr. Potter. We were just waiting for you!", McGonagall exclaimed. "Follow me if you please. I will show you the way to your South Tower.". She waved her White ivory wand at the trunks, they rose up in the air and followed their owners. They crossed the whole castle. Harry didn't have any classes there so had naturally never been there before. They walked towards a plain wall. Professor McGonagall turned around facing them again: "This is the entrance to the stairs leading up to your dormitory. Now the password is Flubberwurm.", and as if it had been invisible a door appeared. They entered and climbed long stairs leading up to a large room. A banner hung up in every corner; 1 Hufflepuff, 1 Ravenclaw, 1 Gryfindor, and 1 Slytherin banner. The room's walls were bright and the floor was made from dark wood.

 It had a fireplace under the Gryffindor banner. There was also a cozy armchair, a red couch, and some colorful poufs.

 Under the Ravenclaw banners, there were multiple bookcases with many books. There were also a few cozy chairs to read in.

A few desks stood under the Hufflepuff banners. There were many different types of parchment and quills. There was also a large window where you could see the black lake spreading out as far as the eye could reach. There were also pictures of friends and families, all happy and full of joy.

Under the Slytherin banners, there was a grand round table with plenty of mysterious, rare, and strange objects on them. Objects Harry didn't even know existed.

In the middle of the new common room, there was a big dining table with at least 8 chairs. 

"I will leave you to settle down then. ", she said before leaving through the silver wooden door. Mike glanced over to the others before leaving to choose his room. The other three followed his example. Harry chose the door most on the right and entered. He saw a large red double bed, a bookshelf, Gryfindor banners on every wall, and a light brown desk. The floor was made of dark wood, the walls were painted scarlet. A Golden armchair sat in the corner of the room next to a big window. He could see the Quidditch pitch and the battlefield of last year. Not the whole school had been rebuilt yet. Harry's trunk had settled down in front of his bed as soon as he had entered the room. He pulled on a big grey sweater and some baggy jeans before going to check out the rest of the dormitory. He saw that he wasn't the only one checking out their new common room. Malfoy was wearing a black oversized t-shirt and grey skinny jeans. He looked up as Harry entered the room and they looked directly into each others eyes. 

Draco thought Harry's emerald eyes were very pretty although they showed the pain he had been through, the horrible pain of his scar, and his past every day. He felt sorry for him.

Harry loved Draco's Silvery Grey eyes, they looked absolutely gorgeous but he clouded his eyes making them unreadable. 'Wow, hot and mysterious!', He thought, 'Wait, what?! No, I can't think that!'  

Draco was the one to break the silence: "Hey Potty! Like what you see?", he teased. Harry didn't answer, instead, he walked toward the bathroom to check it out. He could see Draco following him in the mirror and said: "Why are you following me Malfoy? Are you going to kill me?". Draco laughed and it made Harry blush. 'He's so fucking adorable when he laughs!  Wait, I really have to stop thinking these things!'. Draco had never laughed at Harry's comments before. "I owe you big time Potter. You saved my life in that fire. Thanks.", by now, Harry was shocked, but he accepted it and said: "Oh don't worry, I'll find something that you can do for me to return the favor soon enough.". 

When Harry and Draco left the bathroom they found Luna and Mike waiting for them. Luna had her long hair up in a messy bun and she was wearing a dress made of different pieces of clothing. Mike wore a White sweater and shorts. "Why on earth were you guys in the bathroom together?", he asked curiously. Harry blushed a bit and saw that Malfoy was blushing lightly too. Malfoy kicked Mike to avoid the question and smirked. This made Harry angry, he had been having lots of anger issues lately, and one of the reasons was because Draco still bullied people after everything that had happened. "Malfoy apologize!", he shouted angrily, but no was the response. Harry had had enough and he looked at Malfoy seriously and slowly said: "This is why I hate you Malfoy. You keep being mean to people who've lost too much already. Don't forget that I could've left you in that fire, I could have not cared, but now I wish I left you there.". Nobody said anything, Draco didn't what to say so instead he kept quiet. In fact, he even ignored Harry for the rest of the weekend. 

They had agreed they would put up posters in their houses' common room, explaining the date, dress code, etc... They worked all weekend on planning the food and decorations when they remembered about homework. Luna and Mike rushed to their common rooms real quick. Harry too decided to go to his common room, he grabbed his bag and lifted it over his shoulder. He was about to leave when he saw Draco making his homework in front of the cozy fireplace. "You coming Malfoy?", he asked the blonde. Draco rose his head, but when he saw Harry he looked back at his papers mumbling a vague "no". Harry had noticed Draco being strange and that he was ignoring him. He said goodbye and made his way upstairs towards the Fat Lady Portrait and told her the password. He stumbled through and settled himself on the couch, ready for some homework when he was surprised by a big hug from his best friends. They helped him finish his homework and they stayed up late just to talk to him, complaining they hadn't seen him all weekend. They really were true friends and he loved them with all his heart. 

They soon realized it was Dinner time and hurried to the Great Hall. They sat next to Seamus and Dean who was in conversation with Neville. In the middle of their delicious meal (Stuffed Turkey with vegetables) Ron quietly said: "What's wrong with Malfoy? He looks weird.", Harry quickly turned around to look at him. 


Hey, guys hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was absolute crap! ;D I command you to still vote for it, hehe. There will be some lil' smut in the next chapter so be prepared! 

Baii Babes, stay awesome! 


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