Chapter 12: Relationships

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They hurried off to potions with the Slytherins, more precisely with Draco and his friends. Draco and Harry sat together in front of the class. "Today we will be brewing Amortentia.", professor Slughorn announced, "This is a very difficult and extremely dangerous potion. Now we studied Amortentia last year, does anyone remember what it is?". Hermione's hand shot up, but so did Harry's, Draco's, and Ron's. "Amortentia is a love potion. It smells like the person you're most attracted to.", Ron declared, proud of himself. Slughorn agreed, handed out the instructions and the students started brewing. Sooner or later Draco and Harry were finished and their potion was almost perfected. Draco smelled it, blushed, and looked away. Harry giggled at this move, but something inside of him didn't like Draco blushing although he didn't know why. Harry smelled the love potion too, he smelled a kind of perfume, honey? What was that other smell though, Cologne? And hair product? This seemed familiar, but who smelled like that? 

Ron and Hermione naturally smelled each other and so did Pansy and Blaise. Neville smelled Luna of course. Dean and Seamus were holding hands while they smelled their potion and they didn't stop after. 

When the bell went, the students left the classroom. "What did you smell Dray?", Harry asked, curious for his answer. But instead, Draco blushed, looked away, and quickly changed the subject. Suspicious, what was he hiding and why did it hurt? They entered the DADA Classroom and directly sat at the front row. A tall woman came in and stood in front of her desk. She had clear oval blue eyes and her long white hair in a bun. She seemed quite young. Her witch robes were long and lavender. Her eyes landed on Harry and she frowned. 

"Welcome back children. It seems the Chosen one has joined us in class today. He wasn't here last time was he? Ah no, he was in the Hospital Wing because he had some 'suicidal problems'. Let's hope he doesn't ruin our happy class.", she said, still glaring at him, a judgemental look on her face. Harry looked at the ground in embarrassment, why did she say that? Draco's face was turning red and he was clenching his fists as if he was ready to hit her. He seemed rather angry at her judgemental tone and comment. And as if Professor Pooty had read his mind she said: "That's 5 points from Slytherin for judging my way of teaching.", then she continued with her lesson. 

"Today we will be learning the Patronus charm. I know what you are going to say, it's a charm, I shouldn't be teaching it. Wrong. If you would all look up to the ceiling, I have conserved a dementor. Next lesson we will be testing your abilities to defend yourselves against this vicious creature. Now who knows what a Patronus is?", most Gryfindors had their hands in the air and because of the fact Pooty was a 'fun' teacher, she measured the hands to see who's hand was highest up. She glared and sighed. "I suppose your hand is highest up Potter. Go ahead and tell the class what a Patronus is.", she said, clearly annoyed by the results of her measuring. Harry quickly answered:

"The Patronus is a kind of positive force, a projection of the very thing the dementor feeds upon; Hope, happiness and the desire to survive, but me and my friends already learn-.", "So just because Mr Potter, the Golden boy, already learned this, I should replan my whole lesson? I don't think so! How very rude of you! That's 5 points from Gryffindor.", the teacher interrupted. 

She's spinned around at the very moment Draco said: "But ma'am, Harry answered the question correctly, isn't he supposed to get house Points?".

"5 points from Slytherin for not raising your hand before speaking. And how unpolite of you to say that so suddenly. That's 5 points for your tone! And lastly, because Mr Potter answered a question correctly does not mean he gets house points. Especially not for an easy question like that!", she turned away and continued her lesson once again. She'd call students in Alphabetical order to come up and try for themselves the Patronus charm. A few Gryffindors could already produce a Patronus because they had learned if from Harry in their fifth year. It was the first time for the Slytherins though, but then Draco got called...

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