"Love you son." Pa told me. 

"Love you too pa." I told him. Saying those 3 little world have always been easy too me. Mama and pa made sure they loved us and always kept telling us that they loved each one of us as we was growing up. Heck I hear Cap talk about how much he loves Lydia and the boys in the past 3 weeks since they got the boys then I heard him say too Lydia in the past 5 years they been married. I looked over at mama who was walking over too pa and myself. 

"I'm not going too cry because you are right back there. And if you ever want some of my cooking you know where I am." Mama told me. I smiled at her. 

"I will mama. Etta is lucky she learned from you and aunt Sally. I love you." I told her. Mama gave me a big hug. 

"I love you too baby." Mama said too me. I knew she was hurting for Dalton. Happy for Lydia and Cap and is just okay with me moving out and planning on marring Etta. I looked over at Lydia and Cap and there 3 sons. 

"Abraham, Otis and Noah are very lucky too have you as a mama sis." I said to my big sister. I might stand well over a foot taller then her, but she will always be my big sis.

"Thank you Dylan. I don't know who's more happier me or them." Lydia said too me. I pulled her into a hug. 

"You have always been a second mother too me, and for that I love you Lydia." I told her. Lydia had tears coming out of her eyes. 

"I love you too and I want you and Etta over for dinner one of these days." Lydia said too me. 

"Sounds good sis. Just say the word and we will be there." I told her. I looked over at Cap who was looking at me. 

"Yeah I'm not going to hug you. I see your ugly face all the time." I said to my brother in law. I am happy for the life he gave Lydia. Look at them. They are so happy. Happy marriage and 3 boys. Cap has always wanted a family well when he meet Lydia he got that and so much more. 

"Boys come here." I said too my brothers JJ and Henry. 

"Yes Dylan." JJ asked me. I smiled at him. 

"You both are the oldest now. So help around the house. Keep working with pa and please clean your room before mama see's it." I told them. 

"Y'all's room are still trashed. Brantley take care of yours sons before I get my wooden spoon on there butts." Mama said to pa. Like she would ever do that. 

"Yes dear. Boys clean your room today." Pa said to his sons. I looked over at mama who was just looking at Pa. 

"Thanks dear. Lydia, remember this you are the only parent too these boys. Cap and Brantley are just the men too pay bills." Mama told Lydia. Got too love it when mama goes off like that. She can't live with out pa, just like pa can't live with out her. They both go together like the sun and moon. 

"Yes ma'am." My sister said too our mama. 

"We will clean it won't we Henry." JJ said too our brother. 

"Yeah we will." Henry said too us. I looked over at my little sister and little brother. 

"I'm going too miss you so much Dylan." Dorothy said too me. I smiled at her. 

"I'm going too miss you too darlin, but you will see me all the time. I'm still working with pa---" I was cut off by Etta's middle sister Alifair running over too us. 

"Mrs. Gilbert! Mrs. Gilbert!" Alifair yelled. 

"Honey, what's wrongs" Mama asked her. 

"It's pa. He fell off the roof. Please come." Alifair told us. 

The will of the Gilbert's (An Brantley Gilbert Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें