Chapter Seventeen

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Athena awakes to feel someone stroking her head. She jerks away from the person to see one of the masked figures.

Moving around she finds her movements being restricted by ropes that tie her to a chair. The figure observes Athena's movements and stands up, seeing the person standing in front of her Athena looks up. 

The person stretches a hand towards her cheek and strokes it, Athena turns her head. Sighing the figure puts their hand away and starts walking away.

Athena hears footsteps walking away and knows that she is alone now. She starts looking around to see that she is in a moldy room and that the only light in the room is a lamp that is above her. Not seeing Miles in the room she grows worried and tries to move her hands around in the rope. 

Not making any progress she slumps in her chair. A figure watches Athena with a smirk, she strides forward in confident steps. Standing in front of Athena she slaps her which causes her cheek to sprout a red mark. 

Athena bites her tongue and wishes she was not in ropes to beat the person who dared to lay their filthy hands on her. 

"Why are you hiding behind a mask? Are you afraid that I would report you to the authorities? If that's the case you don't have to worry because once I'm out of these ropes I'm going to end you," Athena states with a smirk. 

The figure just stands there not saying anything and reaches into her pocket to take out a needle. She stabs it into Athena's neck and smiles when her head slumps. 


Miles opens his eyes and sits up on the couch. He notices that Athena is not near him so he stands up but stumbles. Putting his hand on the wall for support he finally manages to stand up straight. His vision starts clearing so he starts walking around the room that he is in.

It was a storage room complete with a teacher's desk and a grey couch. He furrowed his eyebrows when he saw a figure sitting in the chair. The person had their legs propped up on the desk. He couldn't make out the face due to the person wearing a mask.

"Where the fuck is Athena?" Miles spoke harshly. The person shrugged their shoulders and stood up. They made their way over to Miles, he towered over the person. He glared at the figure and grabbed their throat.

"Let me ask again, where the fuck is my Athena. If you don't want to be strangled to death I want an answer now." Miles spoke while squeezing their throat. The person grunted and wrapped their hand over Miles's hand. On the other hand, they took off the mask.

"That is not the way you're supposed to talk to me, Miles. After all, I'm going to be your wife and the woman who is supposed to carry your children." Isabella spoke. Miles glared, "No, I'm only for Athena. She is mine like I am hers. We belong to each other, she wouldn't like you saying that."

Isabella scoffed, "Hmm I can change that Miles, Athena doesn't know how to properly make love to you. Let me do it, I am very experienced so let me give you a good time."

"I said no, do you not understand the word no? I already told you I don't want you. I don't care if you're experienced, Athena is all I want in a woman. She is respectful of her body unlike you and she loves me for me." Miles said.

"Awe that is very touching but you won't find Athena here. You see I wanted us to be somewhere quiet so we can practice our lovemaking. So we are nowhere near Athena." Isabella said while lifting up her hand to Miles's cheek.

Before it could touch his cheek, Miles pushed her away which caused her to fall on the ground. "Don't fucking touch me, Isabella. I'm not yours so you don't get that right." Miles said disgustingly.

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