Chapter Twenty-Two

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The investigators huddle around a table filled with pictures of Noah and Isabella's mutilated bodies.

One of them holds another picture of Mrs.Hill and Mr.Smith who had similar wounds to the body.

"Syndey at the lab informed us that there were fingerprints at the scene that belonged to someone we have been wanting to catch for a while," Mr.Ramirez spoke.

The group looks at the tan skin man, he was a very famous homicide detective who has helped in solving cases. He was very popular with the women who eyed him like a piece of meat.

He has a grey beard with black slicked-back hair, black glasses that framed his face perfectly. Always wore a black suit and is a tall built man, he maintains a professional attitude on the job.

A woman named Mrs.JnPaul is a dark-skinned woman who is a forensic scientist who spoke, "Mr.Ramirez do we have a possible lead on who the murder may be?"

He gazes into her eyes with a serious expression on his aged face, "Yes but he is already dead."

*Nighttime at Athena's house*

It is three-fifteen in the morning, Miles found himself standing in front of the mirror staring at his red pupils.

For some reason, he has been unable to control himself when the clock hits three.

He knows who it is, Quint is the one responsible for his sleepless nights. This is the second week where he is woken up and always finds himself in front of a mirror.

Nobody but himself is able to see Quint who stands beside him with his hand firmly grasped on his right shoulder.

His eyes are the same color as Miles, red, as blood drips down from his eyes. It's as if he is crying blood from his past victims that continue suffering from the palm of his hands.

His victims can't escape even in death since he followed them to heaven and hell, they scream and wail as they continue to suffer from the pain that he continues to bring.

Miles watches their tormented souls through the mirror as he can see them reaching out to him from the other side.

They plead for him to help them escape from their murder's hands, but it's futile since Quint has a hold on them like no other.

The only way for their souls to be free is to remove his soul from Miles's living body.

He is continuing to live through Miles, he is feeding off his anger and sadness to make himself thrive and grow more powerful.

Once he reaches his full limit he will slaughter those around him in glee.

Miles shakily looks at his hands that are covered in blood, he squeezes his hands as he feels the warm blood on them.

He wants to scream out but can't, he doesn't want anyone to hear his screams of help. He doesn't want to be viewed as someone weak.

Opening his eyes to stare back at his reflection he sees his victims staring creepily at him with wide smiles on their mangled bodies.

In their eyes shows sadness and torment, they didn't want to die the way that they did.

They will continue to suffer the more their murder is alive and thriving without any consequences.

Why should they be the ones suffering? Were they not good people?

What about their family who continues to suffer without them by their sides? Will the pain finally stop once they get justice?

They know Miles is not at fault since he was and still is heavily influenced by Quint.

They shift their stare over at Quint who smirks at them, they know if they help Miles defeat Quint their souls can rest in peace.

If they can get his soul straight to hell they can forgive Miles for what he has done to them. But he is going to be tested the test next few days, they've seen it but they don't know the outcome.

They are hoping that Miles is able to take on Quint when the time is right, he still is unprepared.

They look into his red eyes and slowly transfer their souls into his body, they will fight with him until the end.

Quint squeezes Miles more forcefully and makes him look into his eyes, "Your time is almost up Miles you will take my place and I will take everything away from you."

He makes Miles look in the mirror and he sees Athena who stares back at him with lifeless eyes. She doesn't look how she normally looks and knows that she is barely hanging on to life itself.

Gritting his teeth he pushes Quint away from him, "You won't get Athena you bastard, she is mine alone and I don't plan on losing her. I will fight for you to disappear from my side forever, just you wait Quint."

Miles slams his hands on the glass to feel some type of pain to make him not see Quint.

It works as the only thing left from Quint is his laugh as it echos throughout the quiet room.

Panting softly Miles looks at his reflection staring back at him, he doesn't know how long he can take it before he breaks down.

He doesn't want Athena to see him in this state, he would be embarrassed and is afraid she might view him as someone weak.

Clenching his fist he looks in determination, he is thinking of a plan that can stop Quint from fully taking control of his body.

Even if he has to sacrifice more sleepless nights, he will do it for Athena.

With that in mind, he leaves the bathroom but not before splashing water on his face.

Shuffling close to Athena's sleeping body he hugs her tight, he is afraid of losing her.

He doesn't know what he will do if he loses her, kissing her temple he closes his eyes to drift off to sleep.

Unbeknownst to Miles, Quint was there standing in the dark corner creepily watching them sleep.

He licks his lips as he views Athena's young body, he can't wait to take control of Miles and fuck Athena to his heart's content.

Sighing in bliss he feels himself get lighter and his soul is back in Miles where he watches from the back of his mind.

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