Chapter Five

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"Athena, Athena get up," said Miles. I just groaned in response and tried going back to sleep, but then I felt something pushing me. It was too late before I felt my body hit the floor hard and I groaned in pain, "Miles why the hell did you push me off the bed?" 

 "We need to get up to go to breakfast Athena. So get up and get dressed or I will leave you here by yourself," said Miles. "You could've asked nicely first or just said that we were going for breakfast. That would've got me up so quick but no you had to push me off the bed, "I grumbled. 

"Just shut up Athena and go get dressed so hurry or I will punish you," Miles smirked while licking his lips. "Ugh no I'm going to get dressed I don't want your tongue down my throat," I grumbled. 

I grabbed some high waisted jeans along with a burgundy colored shirt and made my way to the bathroom. I quickly slipped on the clothes and I brushed my teeth and did my hair into two dutch braids and made my way out of the bathroom.

 "Athena you look beautiful now let's go eat, but stick close to me I don't want another male talking to you again," Miles stated darkly. "Okay I don't care let's just go eat I'm hungry," I grumbled. We were walking in the hallway which looked deserted and I looked around confused, "Miles why are there no students in the hallway? Are we late for breakfast or something?" 

"No Athena this is my hallway nobody is allowed to enter it except me, well us now and if they do they get thrown out of this school," Miles smirked. 

"That's harsh but I love it, so what you are saying is that we have this whole hallway to ourselves?" I said excitedly. "Ugh you are slower than I thought Athena, this is my entire floor we are on the highest floor so it's all mine. And you know how possessive I could get about the things that are mine, so I make sure everybody knows this is mine and only mine," Miles said. 

"Okay, so this is your entire floor? I'm impressed I couldn't do that at my old school or I would've flaunted off my wealth too just like you," I smirked. We made it to the noisy dining area which was being blocked by huge doors so Miles pushed them open.

 All noise stopped when we stepped inside it was straight out of a movie where all eyes are on us. "What are you all looking at? Do you have a problem that needs to be solved?" roared Miles. 

They turned away fast and stared at their plates as we walked by them. I was in awe at how much power Miles holds here in the school. Miles must've seen my awed expression because he glanced at me from the corner of his eye and smirked. I was looking around the room when I caught Noah's staring at me so I smiled and waved at him. 

He blushed while shyly smiling and waving at me. "Who did you smile at Athena?" Miles growled in my ear. He saw where I was looking at and his eyes grew dark when he locked eyes with Noah. 

Noah visually shuddered and grew a scared expression when Miles grabbed my wrist and dragged me to where Noah sat at.  "Miles what are you doing, let me go. Miles, stop let me go," I growled and tugged my hand from Miles. He wouldn't let go and gripped my wrist tighter for sure leaving a bruise. 

Miles let go of my wrist and sat down in front of Noah and turned to me, "Athena go get us breakfast while I have a chat with Noah here," he smirked. "No you are going to hurt Noah and I won't allow it," I growled out. "Athena you go get us breakfast or Noah is going to end up in a coffin," Miles scowled. 

Noah gulped and I sighed out, "Fine Miles I will get us breakfast but if I see Noah hurt in any kind of way you will regret it." With that, I turned away but not before giving Noah a reassuring smile and continued to the breakfast line.

 While I was in line I kept looking back at the table that Miles and Noah were seated at to make sure Noah was fine and thankfully he was. I had got chocolate chip pancakes and for Miles, I had got him scrambled eggs with bacon. I had taken both plates from the kind lunch lady and thanked her for being so polite. I may be rude but if you are kind to me then I will gladly return it. 

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