Chapter Twenty-Three

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*Trigger warning talks about rape but not really descriptive, I will put another warning of where it starts and ends.*

The sunlight penetrates through the curtains disturbing Athena from her slumber.

Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she turns her head to see Miles cuddling the side of her body.

She sleepily chuckles and runs her hand through his curly hair, kissing his cheek she gets up to stretch.

Going to her closet she picks out comfortable clothes that she can wear throughout the house.

Grabbing her undergarments she heads to the bathroom where she strips and takes her toothbrush and toothpaste with her into the shower.

After a couple of minutes of brushing her teeth, she spits out the paste and rinses her mouth.

Pumping out shampoo she puts it into her hair and scrubs her body. She shaves where she needs to and grabs conditioner to put into her hair.

Scrubbing her body one last time she watches off her hair and body, turning off the water she opens the curtain to get her purple towel.

She didn't realize Miles was sitting on the sink watching her movements, stepping out of the shower she looks up and yelps when she sees him.

"Morning darling, about time you spot me," He says as his eyes roam her figure.

She huffs and hits his head, "Don't scare me like that, now you either get out or take a shower. I need to change."

"Or I can sit here and watch you change, I mean it's nothing I haven't seen before," smiles states.

Athena scoffed while rolling her eyes, she puts her hand to her waist, "I have respect Miles maybe I don't want you to see my body. Now please leave."

He rolls his eyes but hops off the counter and gets out of the bathroom.

Smiling in triumph Athena dries herself and puts on her clothes.

She brushes her hair and puts it in a messy bun, she admires her laid-back outfit which consisted of black joggers and a blue baggy shirt.

Looking down at her mismatched socks she nods her head in confirmation of her outfit and gets out of the bathroom.

Miles is sitting on the bed with his arms crossed glaring at her, "Next time don't kick me out the bathroom I won't be so nice."

Sighing Athena puts her dirty clothes in her burgundy-colored hamper and stands in front of Miles.

"Miles you know I love you right?" She questions and puts her hand to his cheek which he leans his head till it is resting on her breast.

"Yes," He mumbles and wraps his arms around her waist to pull her closer.

"I love you very much there is no doubt about that but you don't have to see my body only when I want to show you. I can show you other ways of my feelings for you," She says as she rubs his curls on his head.

"Your right I just woke up cranky and know that I love you too. I don't love you for your body but for who you are as a person," He states.

Smiling Athena tilts his head up and places a kiss on his forehead, "Why don't you head home I'm going to visit later so tell Flora that I'm coming over."

He nods his head and stands up with his hands still on her waist, "I don't want to let you go though."

She could hear his desperation in his voice and worries how sad he sounds as if something happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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