Chapter Eleven

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Athena woke up to knocking on the door, groggily she got up from the comfort of her bed and opened the door. 

"Hi Athena I hope you slept well, I'm sorry that I woke you up but Mr.Smith sent me to get you. He wants you in class since you are twenty minutes late and he wants to apologize to you in person. So, hurry up and get dressed, Athena!" Noah said as he blushed looking at the beautiful girl in front of him with her messy appearance. 

"Hello Noah nice to see you and give me fifteen minutes to get ready please," Athena said while chuckling.

Noah swooned when he heard her chuckling, "O-okay Athena but hurry so you won't get in any more trouble with Mr.Smith." 

Athena nodded her head and closed the door, she quickly changed into a white sweater with dark blue jeans. She went to the bathroom to do her business and came out with a high ponytail to complement her outfit. 

Athena opened the door of her room and stepped out. Noah gulped while taking in her outfit choice in any outfit he thought she looked beautiful. Athena chuckled knowing that Noah was checking her out, snapping her fingers had snapped Noah back to reality. 

"Noah I don't think it's a good idea to stare at me like that. If Miles was here he would've had your head for that, so be careful about who you are checking out. I would hate it if something had happened to my only friend." 

Hearing what Athena told him he nodded his head, "I-I'm sorry Athena for being a pervert, that was rude of me. And I promise to not do it again, but we must hurry or Mr.Smith might get us in trouble for being later than what you already are."  

Athena laughed but started walking in the direction of Mr.Smith's class and Noah scurried to try to be by her side.  Unknown, to both of them a certain someone was planning various ways to kill the two people that took him away from his Athena. 


*Later that night at the Fairchild mansion*

Miles had everything planned for how he is going to commit the sinful acts he is going to do. Smirking to himself he placed all of the materials in the trunk of the car before heading back inside to spend time with Flora before he leaves. 

But walking through the hallways of the house Miles stops as he groans while clutching his head. "Are you really going to murder two people all for Athena? Do you think she can actually love you? She already knows about me, do you think she would stay with you after I have her under me? Oh, the things I would do to her body mhm I  would destroy her and she would never be in your arms again after I'm done with her." Quint said to Miles in his head. 

"If you touch her you son of a bi-" Quint interrupted Miles, "What you would kill me?" Quint laughed. 

"You could do nothing to me since I'm already dead Miles, Athena could do nothing to me either. I am going to do worse things to Athena, her screams would bring me pleasure while I'm fucking her." Miles yelled, "Shut the fuck up Quint, I will do everything in my power to get rid of you. No, one but I would get to pleasure Athena. She is mine all mine and no one else's is."

Kate from her bedroom heard Miles yell and could hear him talking to himself. She wanted to know what was going on so she got out of bed and followed Miles's voice. Turning a corner she spotted Miles clutching his head and mumbling words that she couldn't make out. 

"Miles, Miles are you alright?" Kate questioned while shaking his shoulder. Hearing Kate's voice snapped him out of his talk with Quint. And for once Miles was glad that Kate had spoken to him, so he took his hands off his head. 

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