Taiyang: I'm home!

Yang sets the remote down and leans her head backward on the couch, looking up at the newcomer that way.

Yang: Hey, Dad.

Taiyang is shown upside-down at first, as he would appear to Yang, but the image promptly rights itself. He is carrying three boxes with two bags hanging from his forearms.

Taiyang: Guess what came in today!

The door shuts behind Taiyang as he walks into the living room.

Yang: What?

Taiyang:: I can't wait for you to try this.

He walks into another room to unload, while on the couch Yang looks somewhat interested. Taiyang returns, carrying one long white box. He sets it on the coffee table in front of Yang, revealing the Kingdom of Atlas symbol on it. She looks at it and doesn't move.

Taiyang: Well?

Yang: It's... for me?

Taiyang: For you and you only.

Yang lifts the lid off the box to reveal a robotic right arm. Yang looks it over, somewhat wide-eyed while her father gushes. She blinks and her eyes droop a bit, revealing she's more distressed than pleased.

Taiyang: Brand new, state of the art Atlas tech. You know, I thought I was gonna have to pull some strings, call in a few favors, but you earned this one all on your own, kiddo.

Yang: (looking up) Huh?

Taiyang: Before I could even talk to him, General Ironwood already had one of his top scientists working on this, for you. He wanted me to tell you that you fought admirably. You should be proud of yourself.

Yang looks up at her father but says nothing.

Taiyang: Well? You going to try it on?

Yang: I uh... I'm not feeling too great right now. Maybe later?

Taiyang deflates a bit and puts his hand to the back of his neck as he sighs and considers how best to respond.

Taiyang: Well, alright.

Yang gets up and walks up the stairs, Taiyang giving her an encouraging smile as she passes in front of him. She pauses partway up the steps, turning in his direction.

Yang: Thanks, Dad.

Yang continues upstairs as a visibly disheartened Taiyang bows his head.

Later, Yang sweeps the porch, adept at it with one arm. She pauses to wipe her brow and sigh. The next scene shows her getting mail out of the mailbox at the end of their driveway. Lastly, she's in the kitchen, rinsing a glass. As she lifts it out of the sink, it slips out of her fingers and she gasps.

When it hits the floor and breaks, it triggers a flashback. Against the blackness there's a gray slash moving from upper left to bottom right and the red markings from Adam's mask glow while the sound of a sword loudly resonates. Then, Y/N fades in and punches Adam, Y/N looks at Yang and walks closer to strike, Y/N swings his claws at her.

Remnant's Wolverine (Wolverine!Male Reader x RWBY) Where stories live. Discover now