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"You don't understand. All I know to do is fuck you good and protect you."

Being raped as a minor traumatizes people. One could be the confident smart-mouth with the backbone of steel in front of everyone, but as soon as that person is left to his/her thoughts they tear up and breakdown. So imagine when you are this person, when you sleep you beg for that tragic event to stop resonating in your dreams every night. Imagine not even knowing that you make noises when you have such night terrors. Now imagine using the same thing that traumatized you as a means of funding.

Imagine being a gold digger haunted by your past and when you finally fall in love with someone, life might just get worst.

Life truly wasn't for the weak, but Elizabeth lived and she conquered.


Waa gwaan peeple?

Welcome to another one of my stories!

This one is actually an old one. I wrote this back in 2016, but deleted because I was an emotional wreck who didn't know what the she was doing with herself as a person.

I still don't but I love writing and hope to one day earn enough to have it as my mainstream of income.

If you've read this story before and are here again you the real MVP, btw.

If you aren't a fan of interracial dating, trauma, broken female leads, Jamaican patois, black women, white men or hardcore sex, please to do as the legendary Lady Saw once said and chat to mi back.

I really don't give a crap. I wrote for the Jamaican girls like me that can't feel like they can project themselves into a female character in books like big mafia novels and so forth. The patois is watered enough for none Jamaicans to understand and can be easily picked up on if you genuinely read word for word.

So, please do not be like that one bitch that saw my patois warning and came in my comment sections saying "grammer please" when she even misspelled grammar.

Anywho, thank you for even opening my book. This will be going on Amazon soon enough (hopefully), once I've completely edited to the best of my ability.


Books by me you could read instead if you wish:

Submission of the Tattoo Artist (taken down for rewrite)

Tied To Demons: The Consorted (rewriting)

Gentle INTENSITY (completed draft)

Fuck Me: Better (completed draft)

Angel of a Demon (taken down for rewrite)

But yea, down to the copyright.


Friendly Translation:

Copyright© 2020, Mia B. Smith
                All Rights Reserved                

This work should be no way recorded, printed or published by anyone other than the author, an acceptance is made to an individual if said author gives permission of such an act. Plagiarism is punishable by law with charges up to $250,000 and 5-10 years imprisonment.

All characters, events and places, in this material are completely fictitious. Any familiarities to any real life person, event or place are completely coincidental.

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