P2: Chapter 2: The Confrontation

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Something's happening. I feel like my brain is scattering all over the place! Then I see a blinding flash of light.

The blinding light was replaced with some kind of scenery. It was a gorgeous view of my old village, me and the boy I once saw in my dreams was holding hands with me, we were staring at the beautiful view. "I don't want this to end." I hear myself saying. "It doesn't have to." he said. Another flash of light engulfs me. I see me and the boy, playing a game, both of us laughing hysterically. Yet another flash of light. My Mother was knitting two sweaters, one said Seth on the left sleeve, and the other said Chara on the right sleeve. I see me and him put the sweaters on, we go next to each other, and pull out our arms, and see that them connected, say 'Seth & Chara'. Then one final image appeared, it was a picture of me, him, Mom and Dad next to each other, as one big happy family. It was clear who this boy was. He was my big brother. My brother Seth. I start to see the Judgement hall again, I look over to the Skeleton in front of me, his chestnut hair, and Cyan Sweater, this had to be him. We both stand up. I go next to him, He pulls out his left arm and I do so with my right, we both look closely at the names on them, 'Seth & Chara' it fits perfectly. We look at each other, my eyes fill with tears, and so does his. "Seth?" I ask hoarsely. "Chara?" he asks me. We run into each other's arms, we're both crying loudly. "S-Seth!" We hug even tighter. "chara..." he said. I painfully let go to get a better look at him, his Chestnut hair matched mine, this was without a doubt him. I run my hand down his cheek. "C-Chara, I-it's me!" I say "I know" under my breath. We hug again. I can't believe it's him, after all these years, Out of all the hugs, I've ever been given I don't think I can break from this one.

"I-I'm so sorry." he said sobbing even harder, this then made ME cry even harder. "No! I say. This was NOT his fault at all, if anything this was MY fault. "I-I r-ran aw-way, ig-ignoring y-your help!" I said still crying. I see Asriel look at us, he's smiling, as if us hugging reuniting reminds him of something. Then out of nowhere Frisk joins in on the hug. She's crying too. Then Asriel joins in. "I know what you've been through Seth..." he said. Then I hear Sans wake up from behind us. "Hehe, what are we all friends now or somethin..?" he says smiling. He tries to walk pass us, until Asriel catches him, and shoves him into the middle of the hug. He's blushing. "Aw, cmon guys, you're crushing my bones!" we all let go laughing. Me and Seth wipe our eyes now mine are bloodshot, his is fine because he's a skeleton. "Let's go home guys." Frisk said. We all nod, and go to the exit of the underground. it was the perfect time for a sunset, we all stand and look at it. "I haven't seen the Sun in so long." Seth said. "That was Chara's reaction when she left the underground." said Asriel. "Eh, siblings be siblings." said Seth, we all laugh at this then start to head home. "Hey wait a minute!" Seth said stopping all of us. "Wh-where am I going to live?" he said. "With us silly!" I said, and I look over at Asriel and Frisk both looking incredibly excited. "A-are you guys sure? Don't you guys h-have, uhh." "haha, of course we have parents!" said Azzy. "I mean biologically their my parents! But They adopted Chara AND Frisk! I'm sure they'll accept you!" he said looking excited. "O-okay!" Seth said. I can tell Seth is nervous to meet Mom and Dad. I was about to reassure him, when Sans gave him advice. "Heh! Don't worry about it kid. Their parents are the GOATS. (He meant greatest of all time.) He laughs hysterically at this. I can tell Sans is starting to take a liking to him. Maybe because he hasn't seen another skeleton other than him and Papyrus. Also I forgot Seth loves puns. So the entire walk they were laughing while telling each other bone puns. I'll spare myself of the BONE-crushing anxiety of remembering every single one. After a long walk we finally end up at our house, we send our regards to Sans, while Seth sends him a bro-fist. I knock on the door. Mom opens the door, she looks concerned. "M-My child!" She said while embracing me. "Where have you three been?!" She asks us. We look at each other and uncover Seth, who was giving the peace sign. "H-Hiya! Mrs. Dreemurr!" He said looking goofy. "H-Hello! my child! And who may you be?" She said while bringing out her hand. Seth shakes her hand in return. "My name's Seth! I am uh.." I quickly finish his sentence for him. "He's m-my brother, Mom" Mom looked at him wide-eyed, but it quickly went away. "Why hello Seth! Please come inside! I can give you some pie if you're hungry!" she said politely. "Nah. I'm bone-tired." he said. I try my hardest not to laugh. Mom laughs too. "Alright, and you three?" she said. "I think we're going to rest for a bit." I said. She nods then goes to the kitchen. I show Seth our room. "Well this is our room!" I say. "Wow, it is soooooooo nice." he said while jumping into Frisk's bed. Frisk giggles. "That's Frisk's bed." said Asriel giggling too. "Oh." he said while sitting up, was he blushing? whatever. He goes to me and Asriel with a serious face. "I uh think this is uh yours." he said while giving me my knife. "Oh thanks, it's been too long." I say looking to see it has a few scratches. It's understandable since he was trying to kill me and Asriel, but I start to wonder what his motives were. He then walks to Asriel, and gives him.. his locket? "Oh! Where did you get this? This was my heart locket!" Asriel said with a nostalgic look in his eye. "I found it in the room I woke up in." he said. Asriel hugs him. "Seth, I would love it if you were to become our brother." he said. Seth hugs him back. "I couldn't have said it any better... Bro." he said. Me and Frisk join in. It feels wonderful to have Seth back at my side, but I still feel like I need to get straight with him about a few things, like if he hates me for running away, or why he's a... skeleton. I guess I'll just let time pass by for now, in the meantime I hug my family tighter.

Willpower (an Undertale fanfic.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon