"That's good, now, boy." The woman from earlier barked out, "It's ten now."

I rinse the soap off the pot before setting it to dry with the rest of the pots.

"I just might ask Isadore to have you here until the ball is over with."

I just stared at her, "How did you know Elder Avol sent me here?"

The woman patted my cheek like a mother. "Only Isadore would send someone here for punishment." I just stared at the woman. She looked to be in her forties or fifties, with long brown hair and light green eyes. "Did you know that Isadore use to be a servant?"

"I had heard that his mother was a servant. He came into his powers when he was nine or ten."

"He came into them when he was six." The woman clarifies, "He accidentally crushed a metal pot with his powers. The king was delighted but at the time his brother was not impressed."

"Duke Cobalt?"

The woman shook her head, "No Lord Sitar. The middle child."

"Never heard of him."

"Few have now a days," The woman looked sick talking about him, "Isadore was put in schooling with the court's children because they were all born with their powers as well."

"I take it the lords didn't like that."

Surprisingly the woman laughed. It was a giant belly laugh with slight snorting, "They were furious, and the king already had enough on his plate to have to deal with them. He took Isadore out of the Court's classes and put him in with the Royal classes."

"You mean with the Royal children?" It was astonishing. "The Duke had to objected."

"Nope. The Duke didn't. He knew his brother's word was law and so he let him. When the lords started protesting, the king threatened to put Isadore back in with their children. It shut them right up."

"Isadore was raised with the royal children." I said again. It was all too much. "No wonder he knows all the royal's personally." I thought a moment, "Is that why people want him dead?"

The woman nodded, "Some want him dead because of that, but it is mostly because of his added trait."


"The Princess had gotten one too, along with her cousin, Taro. He was the only son of Lord Sitar." The woman shrugged. "Bloodsight and deathsight. Two very dangerous powers."

"Ma," A person called out.

I snap my gaze up to see Avol. My mouth dropped open.

"Ma, I don't think scaring one of my circle is wise." Avol continued.

The woman straightened up to her full five two height. "Isadore." Her voice was sweet, "You have grown."

Avol shrugged, "It has only been five years ma."

The woman huffs indignantly. "Isadore Colton Avol." Avol winced, "Where in the heavens have you been?"

"Around, Ma. I haven't stepped foot in the castle since the trials." Avol's mother didn't looked satisfied, "I had just heard that the king had brought his kitchen staff with." She didn't budge from her glare, "I'll come in to work in the kitchens tomorrow." The woman cracked a smile, "If," Avol said sternly, "I don't have any work to do from the king or the Duke." The woman kept her smile.

"Sir, is there anything else you wish me to do?" I ask quietly.

Avol nodded, "Yes. Get some sleep. In the morning you'll be attending the thanksgiving breakfast. Wear something presentable, but not a suit." I nodded to him before going towards the door. Avol only tousled my hair on the way by, "Good luck." he barked out as the door snicked shut.

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