Chapter 3

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It was breathtaking. It was a penthouse suite. A staircase wrapped around a living space that was just inside the entrance. The living space was lined with a fine velvet carpet and a navy blue u-shaped couch. Random chairs were spread out throughout the area in various states of damage or positions. In the center of it all was a one hundred twenty inch TV. My jaw dropped. It totally screamed bachelor pad, but nevertheless it was incredible.

"Sorry for the mess." Avol scowled at the chairs, "Zace likes fixing things. Mostly chairs. And they all can't seem to find a laundry basket."

"How many live here?" I ask toeing a dirty pair of boxers.

"This place can hold twenty, but only ten stay here."

My mouth literally dropped open, "I have to live with ten boys?"

"Boys?" A voice mocked from the top of the stairs, "Do I look like a boy to you, girl?"

I had to turn my whole body around and look up to see a very tall and very broad man. There was no boy in him.

"Yes." I growl out at him.

He tilted his head like a wolf who was curious to hear something, making his long shaggy brown hair touch his shoulder. "And how do you see me as a boy?"

I glance down and toe a black T-shirt, this time using my foot to lift it up into my hands to dangle there. The man winced and heat flared onto his face.

"Well, I would think that at least someone here who was a grown man would have taken charge and gotten this mess under control." I let the shirt drop back to the floor. "How do any of you have clean clothes?"

The boy ducked his head in shame, and swayed on his feet. "You sound like Avol." He muttered out.

"And that is a bad thing?" Avol huffed offended.

"No, sir." The boy mocked.

I snort, "I take it you know my name, so what is your's?"

"Jacon. I am an earth preferred mage." He looked at me again, this time assessing what I might be; ally or enemy or dangerous territory. He must have chosen the first one because he looked around at the room saying, "If you don't like it, you could clean it."

I plaster on a wicked smile, "Or everyone could clean up after each other."

At that moment the door the penthouse slammed open and Sain flew in taking off his shirt before the door even closed behind him. "Hey Jacon, when is Avol coming up? I heard that the girl finally woke up. He'll be..." He tailed off as his eyes lock with mine. "Well, you got here fast."

I looked down at his discarded shirt to his bare chest and abdomen. I might have lingered a second too long on his well defined abs and broad, strong shoulders. I jerk up to look in his eyes. Amusement shined back. This was going to be the hardest four years ever.

"Nice to see you too Sain." I croon to him. "And again, you haven't got a shirt on."

He grin was sly, "Well, I would love to see what's under your's."

"Only in your perverted dreams."

Avol cleared his throat and I blanched. I had forgotten he was there.

"Well, I'll let you get to know your new roommates? Housemates?" He shrugged, turning to the guys, "And this is a warning to the lot of you; don't hurt her." He smiled at me before going back out the door and leaving me here to fend for myself against ten boys who have been taught from age thirteen to fight and kill.

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