Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke up with a crick in my neck, and way too goddamn early. Avol had told me yesterday that I wouldn't be attending normal classes. The schedule slipped under my door confirmed it. Intro to Kingdom History was first. Hand to hand combat second. Weapon fighting and history; third. Lunch. Animal taming and training fourth, power mastery fifth. All the classes were upper classes with older students.

This was going to be the worst four years of my life.

A knock on the door had me glaring at the door.

"Breakfast is ready." Aku said from behind the door before walking away.

Growling, I reach into my duffle bag and pull out a tank top and a pair of black jeans to dress with today. It was six by the time I got down to the kitchen. All the guys were there talking and making a mess of the place.

"Hey, give me the eggs." Hex growled out.

Sain laughed, raising the eggs above his head and dropping the rest of the contents of the bowl in his mouth, "Humm, umma,"

"You little," Hex got up reaching for Sain, but Sain was faster.

"Hant hech me." Sain said with a full mouth.

Hex, offended, took Sain's challenge and started chasing him around the kitchen. It stopped when Sain tripped on a sword leaning up against the wall. Core caught Sain by his collar and glared at Hex.


"Yes sir." Both Sain and Hex said together.

I stepped in further and all their attention snagged on me. They fell silent. I reached over Jacon's shoulder and plucked a strip of bacon of his plate.

"So, we late yet?"

They all looked at me before glancing at the clock. They all cursed. Core reached for the sword strapping it to his waist.

"Sain, you and Phoenix have the same first hour, show her how to get there." Core barked out, "Phoenix, grab a sword. You'll need it for weapons practice."

I went and grabbed the two assassin blades from yesterday. Sain rushed me out the door and back down the narrow hallways, barely making it to our first hour in time. Avol stood in front of the classroom and gave us a frown.

"Let's hope next time Sain, you can get yourself and Phoenix here a little sooner than that."

Sain waved him off panting for breath, "Yes, Sir. I blame Aku."

"Take a seat." Avol growled. We both sat down at the empty table at the front. Once Avol was satisfied, he began. "Now yesterday we were talking about the old court. Does anyone know what tradition the old court still practice?"

A girl in the back of the class with long golden hair raised her hand then spoke. "The twelve lords that the king is advised with."

Avol nodded at the girl, "That is true Sabrena, but not the one I was looking for. Does anyone else know?" He glanced around the room before looking to me, "Phoenix, do you know?"

I mentally sighed. This was such a simple question that it felt insulting, "The Brother's Rule."

Avol's smile grew, "Yes, that was what I was looking for. The Brother's Rule. Does anyone know what the brother's rule is." No one, not even blondy, rose their hand. Avol visibly pouted. "Do you know what the rule is Phoenix?"

I wanted to curl into a ball and hide. "The brother's rule is for the succession selection of the next king. King Rumus is actually the youngest of the previous three princes. Thanks to the brother's rule, King Rumus had a chance to become king and he did. The other two brothers work as his closest advisers, with the ranks of Dukes; higher honor than any Lord." Sabrena flushed red with anger. I just leaned back in my chair. "It is the few common things most people know."

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