Chapter 9

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We took horses home instead of vehicles. My father's manner was deep in the mountains north of the Academy, and the only routes to it were full of winding roads and shear cliffs. These roads were always closed for cars once the first snow fell. This morning Avol had told me again that no one was to be left behind. I told him I understood. I really did. If we left one behind they could be targeted, even if the blood mage appeared to be only going after teachers for now.

"Core." Avol came riding up to me on his mountain horse, it's dark black coat standing out in the white background.

"I understand, Avol. You don't need to come tell me."

Avol shakes his head, "Not why I came up, but I'm glad you do. I'm here because Aku thinks there is a storm coming in."

I turned my head to the sky to see the flakes that were already coming down. The sky was an ashen gray that grew almost black in the way we were going. The trees that way were already whipping around. "We need to find shelter for the night." I whirl the horse around in a circle, looking for any signs of a cave. There was none. "Aku." I bark, "We need a cave."

"There should be one a mile ahead." Aku barks back, "I don't know if we can make it though."

"Then we move, and move fast." I bark, "MOVE." I kick my horse into a gallop up the snowy slope. Everyone followed.

I kept an eye on the path, one eye on the storm, and one eye on everyone else. I could see the storm coming and coming fast. Once I saw the cave come up, I pushed my horse harder, faster. He responded in kind, moving like a bullet over the snow. I made it to the cave first. Jumping off, I get the opening just as Zace comes roaring in. One. Two. Three. I counted. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Avol was last. Twelve.

Hex ran up on silent feet, throwing up a wall of ice just as the wind whipped in. I give him a clap on the back and a nod.

"We settle down here for the night." I bark out, "The storm should be done in the early morning. We leave then, so we can reach my father's home before the next storm."

"Next storm?" Sain barked, his voice going higher than normal.

"Once the storms come into the mountain, they are like clockwork." Aku clarified, "We should reach the manner before the next storm tomorrow."

"For, now" I order, "Get some sleep."

We were off at three in the morning the next day. No complaints left their lips, but Hex had to poke Sain awake multiple times. The horses were slow going in the new snow, but we made it to the manner sooner than expected. It was noon as were coming upon the manor house. By the time we were at the front doors Father was already standing there, arms crossed. Aku greeted him first, but Father ignored most of what he was saying. He had his attention on me.

"Father." I greeted.

He grunted, "Core. Welcome home after four years. I hope some things have changed for you." He turned his attention to Avol and a rare smile crossed his face. "Isidore."

Avol smiled back, "Soul, good to see you again."

"Last time, you were only eighteen." Father huffed, "You've grown."

Avol gave his horse's reins to the servant that came up, "Thank you." I didn't know if it was for the servant or my Father.

Amusement danced in Father's eyes as he muttered, "I wish I got you before Cobalt."

Avol just shrugged, "I'm just glad he didn't kill me once he found out I had foresight."

"Most think that's because of the Princess." Father hit a nerve as Avol's presents grew. Father acted like he didn't notice and looked around at the rest of our party. His eyes stopped on Phoenix and Aurum. Aurum was now up to her hip. Father paled as Aurum spread his wings and roared. Phoenix put her hand on Aurum's head and he calmed.

The Phoenix's FireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora