Chapter 10

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I had poured the last drops of the bottle's contents into my glass when the door to my room opened. I didn't look up. I didn't have too.

"Avol?" Hex asked quietly.

I kept my gaze on the papers in front of me. They came in the door, shuting it quietly behind him.

"I don't care what is happening between you two." I say, watching Sain out of the corner of my eye, blanch like I hit him, "I cannot force you to do anything against your will. But I can strip you of your abilities."

"Sir." Sain started but I cut him off.

"I don't care if you screw ducks or pigs or another guy. All I'm saying is, make sure that you relationship does not interfere with work. Right now you two are borderline expaltion. You are not there when you are called. You are not up by eight. I have been lenient, but once you get out of school, the second you make a mistake like that," My voice snipped of in a hiss, "You could be stripped of power. And if you survived that, you would have gone on trial. Am I clear?" Neither of them spoke, "Am I clear that work must come first before anything else?"

"Yes Sir." Sain mumbles, "Sorry sir. We'll stop."

"No." I barked, "You can stay together. All I'm saying is make sure you are up in time for breakfast and you will think of your orders first."

"Sorry sir." Hex grumbles out, "We'll see to our orders first."

I reached for my full glass, but just started into the contents, "Alright then. Hex. Sain. I would like for you to see if the servants need any help with anything. If they refuse, tell them it is a punishment."

"Yes sir." Sain says defeated, "Thank you."

They both turn around to go but I call out, "Remember that you both will have an uphill battle, but you have at least one person in your corner. I know how hard everyone will be on this. They still are fighting to get people like me and Phoenix executed." The both gave me a tight smile. "Good luck my boys, and may the king side with you." The turned bowed their heads and left. I dumped the contents of my drink into the potted plant next to me.


I stood at the entrance to the kitchen. Servants slipped by, not giving me a second glance. Hex was taken out to the stables to help out and I had been directed towards the kitchens. The servant left me there before I could ask her what I was supposed to do.

"Miss?" I asked the next woman who crossed in front of me.

The servant stopped, a large black pot in her hands, "Yes sir, how my I help you?"

"I was sent here by my commander, as a punishment, to help."

The woman adjusts her pot that was nearly as big as her. "Well, we need someone to clean all the pots and pans. Can you do that?"

I nod, "Yes ma'am, I can clean some pots and pans."

The woman smiled, "You won't be saying that in an hour." She turned to the others shouting out, "This is our wash boy for the day. Casen get out to the barns."

The boy at the sinks took off out the door, shouting back, "Yes, ma'am."

The woman points over to the sink, "Good luck young man." And takes off, with her pot.

Sitting down at the sink I get to scrubbing.

Pots came in loads and were taken in loads. I had cleaned my share of dishes but this was insane. I scrubbed good and long on the last pot. There was something black burnt into the bottom.

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