Chapter 30 The Confrontation (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah same here, after dad told us, 2 days after that I felt strange too like my body felt some sort of electricity," Alex told us.

"Same!" we all exclaimed.

"And we know that Auri had hers when her hair changed colour right? But.... Why didn't ours change like yours?" Josh asked and started to look at his own hair and was touching it.

"I have no idea, the book didn't explain it either. It just said about me what a Mythix is and learn the basics which I have. Well, except for flying anyway -" I was cut off.

"Wait, you have a book?" Alex asked

"Yeah, don't you all have one too?"

"No!" They all replied.

I went to where the book was, picked it up and showed it to them. "Yeah, I learned it from this book, I still have a lot to learn and I wanted to start flying soon but I am just a little terrified about it." while I was talking they all took turns looking at the book.

"We learned it from our pets, we don't even have a book? Where did you get it from?" Josh asked.

"I got it near my birthday with this necklace, I thought it was a diary that mom might have bought for me as a present. It was empty when I opened it the first time but then it had words and I kinda went with it." I explained to them.

"Wait, was this around the same time when you got your hair and eye colour changed?" Alex asked and I nodded.

"What is this marking on it?" Nick asked as he touched the book.

"Oh my... it is the Royal crest. Only nobles and the royal family will possess this book." Kiwi commented, he then turned the pages. "This is a complete series from top to finish of Volume 1, all the basics are in here."

I then realised something wasn't adding up in my head about this abilities thing. At one moment, I forgot that I was adopted. That means...

"Auri what's wrong?" Nick asked me.

"When the book mentioned the history of the other realm...." then Josh wanted to ask something but I explained quickly. "Yes, there is an Ancestor land where our kind plus a few more creatures lived, and it was and still is ruled by a Queen. Long story short, I'll explain later."

"But what's wrong? You looked confused." Alex asked this time. "Isn't it great we all have abilities, that is awesome!" He said.

"That's the problem, guys, I'm adopted. If I have powers, it makes sense because I am adopted and my parents might be from this ancestral land. But you guys are not, shouldn't that mean....."

Josh continued. "That biologically, one of our parents or even both have powers? That is possible but we never saw Mom or Dad hold any such abilities. Even if they do......" Josh paused.

"There is also a possibility that one of them didn't know that the other has abilities and that will...." Alex paused.

"That will cause a lot of trouble for both of them. If we ask them then maybe, they will get into a fight and one of them may think that we are freaks and throw us out. There is a probability that it may go bad." Nick continued, connecting the dots.

"Wow, we sound smart when we just suddenly talk in sentences like that and also our quadruplet power is strong," I said while still looking kinda sad at the odds that we might cause trouble for Mom and Dad.

"So what are we going to do? ask one of them or we just keep quiet and just let it be?" Alex asked.

"I think, for now, we just have to pay close attention to them, any signs of abilities from any one of them. We report it in a separate group chat. What do you think?"

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