Chapter 17 Birthday Part 1 (Edited)

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Aurora Pov

It was time to go back to school, we went to classes as normal and when I was passing by the science lab, I saw the damage. It was terrible, char everywhere.

"I don't even know what happened, the bunsen burner fire just combusted, luckily no one was near it at that time. The weird part is no one was using the Bunsen burner in front" said a random girl.

It reminds me of what happened last night, the wind.....

*Now that I realized it, last night my window was closed. How the did wind even come in? And how was it strong enough to trash my room and knock my stuff around my room?*

I kept thinking about it while walking to my homeroom class. I was happy because all of us had the same homeroom class. But Kimi and Sonia sometimes have to go to early practice and Liam has swim practice and Marcus is in charge of IT and the announcement sometimes. Mikayla would be late and Briar would help out the teachers.

But now for the first time, almost everyone is here at the same time! When I sat on my seat they all started talking amongst each other and would get me into the conversation and It was really pleasant. Ryder wasn't there, he was the one late this time.

Well, until Heather came ...... and she brought more back up than her 2 goons.

"Well, Well, Miss Drama Queen, that was a really good performance you gave yesterday," Heather said while clapping slowly.

*Where is miss lily??!?!? is anyone seeing this, am I in a movie? What am I the main character and the rest are extras!? Ugh I am having a headache and maybe a fever*

Layla looked angry and stood up "You better listen, don't you dar...... " Layla started asking while sitting back down looking baffled.

"Well, she did make a convincing performance to get attention!" Heather was about to complete her sentence.

"you better not say another word to our sister !" Said Josh, behind him was Nick and Alex

"you better not say another word about her Heather!! We know it was your friends that pushed Aurora into the pool" Ryder said behind her. All 4 of them looked angry.

"They did what?" Josh, Alex, and Nick just kept quiet as he was the only one of my brothers who knew about this.

"How dare you!" Josh said.

Heather turned around shocked to see all 4 guys behind her but she tried to act cool.

Miss Lily walked in and saw the huddle. " What is going on here?"

"Nothing Miss Lily!" Said Heather in a squeaky voice

"Then get back to your seats if it's "Nothing"' said Miss Lily

Heather whispers to all of us "At least got my point through" She had a vile smirk on her face when she looked at Ryder and me "Oh and Ryder, you can do so much better" She touched his shoulder.

"C'mon girls," Heather told the girls and walked away swinging her hips.

At that moment, my brothers were looking at each other and me as to understand what happened. Ryder looked stressed.

*I am having a lot of trouble, how does all this happen in a week? Who does this happen to? Okay Aurora relax, try to Relax, my heart stops beating fast, please normal heartbeat. Breath.* I closed my eyes trying to breathe. I felt a sudden thump on my head.


Little Aurora crying and under the table. A man came to her but his face wasn't clear

Aurora of the Phoenix (Book 1) (Under heavy construction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora