Reality of the Dunyā (3)

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ضرار بن ضمرة قال: ... فأشهد بالله لقد رأيته في بعض الموافقه -  يميل في محرابه قابض على لحيته، تململ السليم، و يبكي بكاء الحزين، فكأني أسمعه الأن  وهو (علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه) يقول:

يا ربّنا! يا ربّنا! إليّ تغرّرت؟! إليّ تشوّفت؟! هيهات هيهات، غرّي غيري، قد بتتك ثلاثا. فعمرك قصيرا، و مجلسك حقير، وخطرك يسير، آه آه، من قلّة الزاد و بعد السفر و وحشة الطريق!!

Ḍirār bin Ḍamrah (رحمه الله) says: Allāh ﷻ is the witness to the night when I once saw him (ʿAlī bin Abī Ṭālib) sitting in his Miḥrāb when the night had already drawn in curtains and the stars had vanished. He was holding his beard and bending over displaying the distress of a person bitten by a scorpion. He wept like a bitterly grieved person, and I can still hear his cries echoing in my ears as he repeated the words, ' Yā Rabbanā! Yā Rabbanā! (In this way he humbled himself before Allāh ﷻ).

He then addressed the world saying, O World! Are you trying to deceive me?  Are you staring expectantly at me? Get away! Get away and use your charms on someone else because I have divorced  you thrice. Your life is short, your company is demeaning and people easily get into trouble because of you. Ah! Ah! The provision (of the journey of Ākhirah) is meager, the journey is long and the road is frightening.'

[Excerpt from a narration in Ḥayātuṣ Ṣaḥābah Vol.1]

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