Kibr [Arrogance] (1)

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According to Ibn al-Jawzī رحمه الله the definition of arrogance (kibr) is, “A person thinking highly of themselves and looking down upon others.”

Imām al-Ghazālī رحمه الله in his Forty Foundations defines pride as, “The reality of arrogance (kibr) is that one deems himself superior to others in regards to qualities of completion which leads to snobbish and overjoyed”.


"Arrogance (kibr) is to deliberately consider one’s self superior to others in religious or worldly achievements in a manner that reflects that others are inferior.

Hence, it has two components,

(1) to consider one’s self superior and

(2) to look down upon others.

This is its reality. It is impermissible (Ḥarām) and sinful.

Then there is form of it where all components are presents except one component. That is it is not deliberate. It is an involuntary thought. Till this point it is not sinful. However, if one deliberately considers this thought to be fine or even without agreeing to it deliberately keeps (it in his mind), it will become the reality of arrogance and sinful (activity)."

[Tarbiyat us-Sālik, volume 3, page 108 by Maulāna Ashraf ʿAlī Thanvi رحمه الله]

One of my Ustādha said, "Arrogance is the automatic bomb of spiritual diseases."

Rasūlullāh ﷺ said “No one with the slightest particle of arrogance in his heart will enter Paradise.” (Bukhārī)

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