Reality of the Dunyā (2)

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When we understand the reality of the Ākhirah then the reality of Dunyā becomes very clear.

Those who want the Dunyā are in a lose, lose situation. They desire for the Dunyā, they work for it; but they still get what Allāh decreed; it won't change.

Those who desire for the Ākhirah, work for the Ākhirah; Allāh will give them in the Dunyā as well as the Ākhirah.

When all the sorrows of a person becomes for the Ākhirah and all the desires of a person becomes for the Ākhirah, Allāh gives him the best of the Dunyā.

Those who want the Ākhirah, Allāh gives them the Dunyā without them wanting it. On the contrary, those who want the Dunyā, Allāh gives them as much as He wants to give them but there will be nothing for him in the Ākhirah.

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