Taming the Nafs (1)

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Allāh has given us a perfect way to him, but life has obstacles; life has distractions in many forms, there are innumerable forms of distractions; what we need to be able to go right through those distractions, to go right through those obstacles - without getting lost without losing ourselves and our identity we have to be able to think why we are here.

We are here because He ﷻ created us, put us here, he gave us the route, taught us the outline of the pillars - of our identity and then we get to fill in the details of our life. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
It is not at the cost of our Islāmic identity; rather in congruence with it, we can have the best life by living life with the stipulations that it serves our true purpose.

For different reasons we get distracted and develop incorrect thinking patterns, not because we are horrible people.

We make mistakes, we get sidetracked, and then we try to find the right route back, for that we need help.

Sometimes we get lost and find ourselves in the middle of a dark jungle which is off our path. We are going to come across scary different challenges we wouldn't have found if we were on the correct path. Because we strayed off we found our selves faced with different challenges; however, even if we were on the correct path we would still have faced challenges as it is the nature of our world.

In order to overcome these challenges we have to be able fight the forces against us by being aware of them and knowing where we stand in all of this.

[Extracted from a Madrassa talk: Taming the Nafs]

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