Jon Snow X Greyjoy!Reader - Hysteria

Start from the beginning

It turned out, that you had never been imaginative enough as a child. At 26, you had yet to marry, and the idea of children was completely out of the question. It was likely, that if you were to die, it would be painful and terrifying. There would be no gentle pass into the afterlife. You were a world at war, and with each day, real life became more like the scary stories you had told Bran when you were children. 

It was becoming increasingly harder to avoid getting on Lord Bolton's bad side. What with his torture of Theon and his mistreatment of Sansa, holding your tongue was getting to be quite difficult. 

And then, out of nowhere, Sansa and Theon had both disappeared. 

"Y/N?" The word sounded so soft that your mind went reeling. Ramsay was never sweet. Not with anyone, and especially not with you. You may not have been suffering in a dungeon like Theon had been, but you were still his prisoner. "Where are they?"

"I don't know," you started softly, shifting in the seat he had directed you to a few moments before. This was a side to Ramsay that you had never seen before. Usually, he would have been shouting and screaming, attempting to scare you. But this was worse. He seemed calm. Ramsay hummed, moving forwards in his seat to catch your eyes with his. "I promise you. I had no idea they were even planning to leave."

Ramsay sighed, slumping back in his seat again, a small frown on his lips. "They abandoned you to me, didn't they?" he uttered. "They knew what I would do when I found out they had run away, and they didn't even bother to warn you." 

You turned your gaze to your lap and nodded, glancing back up at him with wet eyes, your face solemn. "If Sansa has any sense, she'll head South," you uttered, the words slipping through your lips effortlessly. "She has family in the Riverlands," you added.

A small smile pulled at Ramsay's lips, and he gave a short nod. "There's a good girl," he murmured, leaning back and placing his feet up on the surface. "You're excused," he added.

You got to your feet slowly, wiping at the tears that had escaped with a short sniffle.

"I'll visit your chambers tonight," he added, causing you to still slightly. "I'll need someone to warm my bed whilst my wife is missing," he continued, giving you a wide smile as your jaw tensed. 

*Time Skip*

Ramsay marched into the great hall full of agitation. He carried it in his shoulders, tense and pulled back as he stalked over to where you sat, watching you quickly get to your feet to greet him. "She didn't go to Riverrun," he growled out, nodding for you to sit. Your face fell as you did as you were told, and he took the seat opposite you.

"But she has nowhere else to-"

 "She went to Castle Black," he interrupted, raising an eyebrow at you in question.

Your mouth fell open, and you blinked slowly, shaking your head. "Her brother," you uttered, the words falling silent when you felt his glare on you. "I was told he was dead," you told him. "Killed by Wildlings." 

"Clearly not," he bit out, scowling as he released a frustrated sigh. "Rumour has it, they're putting together an army. They're going to attempt to take Winterfell by force."

Your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip. "A foolish choice, no?" 

Ramsay snorted, nodding at your comment. "Extremely foolish."

"Jon never did like to plan things out properly," you uttered, releasing a soft sigh. 

Ramsay's eyes narrowed as he leant towards you. "You knew him well?" You shrugged your response, unable to come up with the right answer for him. "You knew him intimately?" he reiterated, a smile blooming on his lips as you stared at him in horror.

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