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Yeonjun- first perspective:

I'm not fine.
I'm not fine.
I'm not fine.
How long have I been hiding inside the stall?
The whole day.
I'm relieved the twins, Sungi or even Soobin didn't see me.
As I stagger out the stall I notice my reflection in the mirror on the wall.
My bloody nose, the purple and red blotches decorated on my face, arms and legs. They hurt... but what really hurt was from where the blood dripped.
The blood slid down in a curve around my thighs to my calves.
It stained my blue shorts and the white fishnets I wore.
I stagger some more, every step I took was painful. I place my hand on the sink as I take large breaths. I try to open the faucet and succeed; I put my palms under the flowing water and wash my face with the cool liquid.
The pain subsided for a second.
I don't want to go home looking like this.
Yuna might cry... no she WILL cry and ask for answers.
Beomgyu... I should go to his instead.
Yeah, I should... it's the safest.
As I try to walk out the washroom, the door suddenly opens.
I expected it to be the janitor or some student who stayed late to use the college library.
I didn't expect it to be Soobin.
He was speechless.
His voice sounded different.
I couldn't understand what he was saying, he spoke too fast and the pain in my lower back was too much to ignore.
"Who did... answer... home... carry... tell me if... painful... jun?"
And I suddenly felt arms under my thighs and around my shoulders.
"I'll take care of you"
And then I blacked out.


When I woke up I was in a bed.
My body ached.
I realized I was lying face down on the bed and suddenly the pain, shame and embarrassment overcame me.
Whoever saved me must know what happened to me...
Who saved me?
The embarrassment I had intensifies.
I felt tears sting my eyes but this wasn't the time to cry. I needed to get out of this room/house.
As I try to get up my body ache reaches a high peak and I fall to the floor and the sound resonates all around the room.
I hear fast footsteps.
No... No, Soobin, don't come in-I'm in a pathetic position right now-
"Yeonjun!" Soobin calls out once he enters the room, panic painted all over his face.
I gasp for breath as I try to stand up.
"Yeonjun" he says my name again as he tries to help me up and I'm too weak to protest.
I rest my forehead on his chest and he holds me tightly.
"Jun... what happened?"
The tears I tried to keep in came flowing out.
Soobin rubbed my back comfortingly and whispered,
"Are you hungry?"
"Do you wanna sleep?"
"Did y-you tell a-anyone?"
"Only Hansoo knows"
"I got raped" I choke out, the embarrassment and pain breaking my heart.
"I KNOW... and it's going to be OK... I'm here"


Soobin- first perspective:

Yeonjun fell asleep again.
I had gotten a doctor to check up on him and he informed me what happened to Yeonjun. He had given me an ointment to apply on him.
Of course I applied it on him once he slept.
It would probably be horrifying for him to see me pull down his pants with a tube in hand.
As I finish applying and fix his sleeping position, I timidly comb his hair with my fingers. The soft neon hair strands slipping from my grasp... very much like the sleeping male.
I sigh and leave the room, closing the door behind me.
I walk down to the kitchen and find Hansoo cooking a broth.
"Hey, Soobin! How's Yeonjun?" he asks worriedly.
"He's doing good... I guess... he cried, fell asleep and I applied the cream and that's that" I say as I sit down on a stool near the island.
Hansoo simmers the flame and turns to me.
"Remember what doctor Kim said? He was forced into it... so the person who did this to him could go to jail... if Yeonjun knows him of course"
I nod.
"But, Yeonjun might not feel comfortable talking-"
"That doesn't matter now does it? He will HAVE to tell unless he's protecting his rapist"
The thought itself makes my skin crawl.
Hansoo looked like he wanted speak some more but the loud ringing of the house bell snatches our attention.
I get up to open the front door.
Once I open it someone barges in his hands gripping my shirt collar.
"Calm down!" I try to force myself out of his grip but it seems his hands are made out of steel.
There was a woman behind him; she had worry written all over her face. I recognized her cat eyes to be similar to Yeonjun's... maybe this is his sister?
"Beomgyu-ssi, please let go of him and listen to what he has to say" the lady puts her hand on Beomgyu's shoulder.
He lets go while glaring harshly at me.
"Soobin?" Hansoo appears.
"Who are they?"
"They're here for Yeonjun" I inform.


Beomgyu and Yuna (Yeonjun's older sister) sit impatiently on the couch as they wait for me to tell them where they're precious Yeonjun was.
I wasn't sure if I should tell them that Yeonjun got abused.
"Just tell them, Bin, I think they deserve to know" Hansoo tells me.
"Ok" I nod.
"I'm only telling you guys because you both are very important to him and vice versa... I'm pretty sure Yeonjun wouldn't want you to know but..."
I could see the panic and fear rising up in both of their faces.
"Yeonjun got raped and abused very badly... he's resting in my room right now"
Yuna cried and Beomgyu seems to have gone in shock.
"C-can i-I see my brother right now?" Yuna asked with her tear stricken face.
I nodded.
I took her to my room.
Yeonjun was still asleep and he looked so peaceful and content if it weren't for the bruises on his face.
Yuna fell to the floor, her muffled sobs resonating in the room.
"No, no, no, no, not Yeonjunnie" she cried.
Later she silently walked towards his sleeping figure, brushing his hair and whispering soft words.
I left.
As I re-entered the living room, Beomgyu was still sitting on the couch. Hansoo must have gone back to the kitchen.
Before I could fully call him Beomgyu abruptly stood up and demanded,
"I don't know"
"I'm fucking going to the police"
I stop him, telling him we shouldn't act on impulse and only do anything about the matter with the permission of Yeonjun.
No matter how much I wanted to wreck the person who did this to Yeonjun, I couldn't... I wouldn't.


Sometimes I wanna stop writing this bk cuz I dunno wut to write most times...

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