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Soobin- first perspective:

I groan as I toss around on my bed.
Yeonjun's friends seemed to find me creepy too. Well, I did sound a little creepy I suppose.
I almost fall asleep when my phone rings loudly and I almost get a heart attack.
I reach for it on my study table next to my bed.
I let out an involuntary scream when I realize its Yeonjun.
I practice on a sexy deep voice before I pick up the call.
Oh god kill me now! I sounded like a pregnant duck-!
"Hey bin, I hope you aren't busy"
Bin- he called me bin! Mayday, mayday 'sooship' is sinking!
"Huh, y-yeah I'm free!" I finally say, still sounding weird.
Omg where did my sexy voice go... if I ever had one, that is.
"Ok good... I just had some questions"
"You said you observed me every day, right?"
"Then you must have noticed me loitering outside 'Mimi' and 'Ji and Co.'"
"So you sort of knew what I was going through, huh?"
"Mm-hm... it was interesting to watch you... it felt like I was peeking into your life through a small peephole"
"Yeah... but, what made you even like me? Is it because I dressed feminine?"
"That's part of it... I thought you looked really pretty and still do... but I also was impressed that you decided on being yourself... not a lot of people can proudly call themselves queer after having a parallel persona"
"I see"
"So can I woo you?"
I could hear Yeonjun giggle and that was absolutely adorable.
"Give it your best shot"


I thought... this was a date...
I stared blatantly at Yeonjun's friends and they looked back, two of them smiled kindly while the third glared at me.
Love the welcome.
"Ok, guys! Introduce yourselves!" Yeonjun says excitedly.
Since he seemed happy I let my disappointment slide.
"Hey everyone, I'm Soobin, I go to the same college as Yeonjun"
"Ah! I can finally put a name to your face" one of the strangers says.
"Oh, sorry, it's just you always pass by the store I work in but lately you haven't"
"Ah, that's because I moved to Yeonjun's college" I inform.
"Why so?"
"OK! Why don't you three introduce yourselves as well?" Yeonjun interrupts me.
"I'm Beomgyu and are you Yeonjun-hyung's boyfriend?" the one who glared at me says.
The stranger who was interviewing me gasped and the red-headed stranger just slurped his drink, enjoying the drama.
Yeonjun visibly sighs in relief but,
Yeonjun eyes me with a scary glare.
"I'm just telling the truth, why are you so mad, Junnie?"
Crap, crap, crap! Yeonjun had warned me not to flirt with him. But it isn't my fault that this didn't turn out to be a date or a hang out with just us two. Yeah, I'm not backing down now!
Beomgyu scoffs.
"You? Dating Yeonjun-hyung?" he eyes me, assessing my looks.
"No" he simply says.
I open my mouth to retort but,
"I'm Heuningkai! But you can call me Hyuka or Kai"
Yeonjun who was sitting next to me pinches my thigh.
"Wait till we're walking home"
Goodbye world.


I found out that the red hair guy was Taehyun and he seemed to be the only normal one in our little group.
Kai was LOUD but fun to be with.
Beomgyu seemed cool but I wouldn't know since he was so friendly with everyone but me.
Well, I felt like he was extra friendly with Yeonjun.
He would wipe off the whipped cream off of Yeonjun's face, use the same straw to taste his drink, or use the same fork to taste the pastries or pies.
I also noticed how Beomgyu looked at him.
A competition?
I would definitely loose if this continued. I needed a master plan. And I also needed help from an expert.


He enters my room with a panicked expression.
"What's wrong!? Are you ok?!"
"I'm fine, I just need your help" I say as I sit up on my bed.
"With what?" he asks as he sits next to me.
"Wooing Yeonjun"
"Woo- who even uses that word-"
"I want your help, bro, not a lecture on what word to use in the 21st century"
Hansoo nods and thinks deeply.
"Well first off, you need to come off as someone who Yeonjun can take seriously as a suitor"
"Huh? Like how?"
"Like... watching over him"
"Watching over him?"
"Yup! Like observing him in a non-creepy way... if he looks hungry you buy him food, if he looks tired you tell him to rest, or if he's having trouble with a lesson you help him with it"
Non-creepy? But Yeonjun and his friends from college have already established that I AM creepy.
"That's step one to wooing yourself into someone's heart!" Hansoo declares.
"Uh, I don't know if the word is supposed to be used like-"
"I know you can get him to take you seriously! Go get 'em bunny boy! Whoo!" Hansoo shouts and runs out my room.
I ignore the weird antics of my cousin and lie down on my bed.
Was the last thought I had before falling asleep.


I hope things aren't boring or anything~~~~

PRETTY, PRETTY☀️ YB✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora