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Soobin- first perspective:

This is hard.
Every time I look at Yeonjun the twins and a blue haired girl glare at me.
Mino and Minwoo at least didn't stop me from talking to Yeonjun but the blue haired girl- whose name turned out to be Sungi- would not even let me approach him!
At least she didn't have afternoon classes so it was just me and Yeonjun.
"Yeonjun, could you tell me why your blue friend glares at me so much?" I ask and he eyes me weirdly.
"No she doesn't"
"Yes she does!"
"Does she? Maybe she's feeling protective or you're too ugly for her"
I roll my eyes at the statement.
"Sorry to break it to you but I'm very good looking... maybe I was too handsome for her"
He laughs.
"Huh? Really? Handsome?"
My heart.
"Why? Do you think I'm too ugly for you?"
He has a soft smile on his face and his feline eyes crinkle and I had an urge to pull out my phone and snap a picture.
"Well, you are kinda cute"
I must have reacted since Yeonjun starts laughing.


Why must my life be a series of unfair treatment?
I had brought Yeonjun to my home so that we could play some video games but it backfired since Hansoo BEFRIENDED Yeonjun and now the two were talking about things I couldn't join in with, so I ended up going out to the superstore to buy something to eat since,
'Yeonjun is our guest and we should welcome him properly'
"Frick you, Hansoo!" I curse under my breath and enter the store.
I go to the confectionary aisle and meet none other than Beomgyu.
For the love of-
Before I could ignore him I notice that he's wearing glasses.
I get a flashback.
That day when I had spoken to Yeonjun for the first time, someone had dragged Yeonjun away, that someone had glasses on... I thought it was Yeonjun's ex-boyfri-
No wonder he was so touchy and lovelorn towards him during our group hang out! That little-I bet he wants to get back together with Yeonjun.
Not on my watch!
But what am I supposed to do?
As I think to myself a master plan I hadn't noticed Beomgyu approaching me.
"Ah, if it isn't Soohee"
I look at him with a frown and point at myself.
"Are you talking to me, shorty?" I ask.
"I'm not short! And yes, I'm talking to you, Seongwoo" Beomgyu fumes at me.
Is this guy getting my name wrong on purpose?
"What do you want, Brick?"
He glares at me.
"I don't want anything from you since you don't have what I want"
I scoff.
Is he talking about Yeonjun?
"Excuse you but Yeonjun will be mine"
"YOURS? Sorry to break it to you Seolhan, but Yeonjun-hyung belongs to someone like me not a bean-stalk like you"
I push away my cart and he does the same.
"Oh you wanna go, Brian?" I say as I crack my knuckles.
"You'll never beat me" he says as he takes off his jacket.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Break it off you two! No fighting in my store" someone says in a light voice and I turn to see it's the red headed Taehyun.
I notice the vest he's wearing and realize he works here.
"It was fun watching you kids fight verbally at first but I won't allow physical fights" Taehyun says.
"Kids? But aren't you--"
Taehyun interrupts me,
"Just buy whatever you need and fight outside"
I sigh and nod.
I can't have Yeonjun and Hansoo bonding for too long.
I ignore Beomgyu's glare and pick out a strawberry cheesecake.
I hope he likes it.
I pay for the cake and walk out.
After a while I felt as if someone was following me.
I turn and realize its Beomgyu.
"Are you sure it's Yeonjun you want? I'm thinking otherwise since you're stalking me, Barrack Obama"
"Just because my name starts from 'B' doesn't mean-you know what, whatever, I just wanted to talk to you"
I wait.
"It's about Yeonjun-hyung..."
I'm suddenly interested in the conversation.
"If you hurt him... be prepared for the hell I'll bring to you"
Ah, just a threat-
"And also--"
Oh there's more.
"Hyung has a hard life... and he deserves the best... even though he rejected me, I still want him, but I'm not the 'best' and I'm hella sure you aren't the 'best' either... but the future is weird and shocking so if in case you ended up dating Yeonjun-hyung... make sure you don't break him and treat him right"
I notice that Beomgyu is blushing hard and his eyes are glossy.
He must really like Yeonjun... dare I say LOVE.
"That's all... goodbye, ugly" he finishes and rushes away.


That night I wonder if I should be doing what I'm doing.
Beomgyu LOVES Yeonjun... and I just have a crush on him.
Shouldn't I give up and let Yeonjun and Beomgyu get together?
Love is stronger that any infatuation after all... and it's because Beomgyu loves Yeonjun that he could let go of him.
But, infatuation makes you develop a possessiveness that love lets go of. Infatuation makes you want to keep the person for yourself no matter what while love lets go if the person deserves better.
And since what I'm feeling for Yeonjun isn't love but infatuation- I'm not letting go.
Sorry Beomgyu, I know I'm not the best but I'm going to have Yeonjun for myself.
And sorry Yeonjun, I definitely don't deserve you but I'm going to have you anyway.
As I let my selfish thoughts take over my mind I think of a plan to impress Yeonjun tomorrow.


Where was Yeonjun?
The twins and Sungi informed that they hadn't seen him (after eyeing me up a little of course).
I texted him but didn't get a reply.
The whole day passed and I realized he didn't even come for the evening classes.
"Eh, he's probably sick or something, don't worry brotha!" Mino told me as he left the auditorium.
But I had a weird feeling in my stomach. I felt like something was wrong.
Maybe I'm overacting.
He's probably just fine.



I left wattpad fr a week cuz my dad took my phone... hoho...
is anyone enjoying dis?


PRETTY, PRETTY☀️ YB✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt