Chapter 8 - She's Alive

Start from the beginning

"Thank you."

"Anytime." Kim nodded.

"It was nothing, I just... wasn't ready to see you go." Zane admitted.

"None of us were." Laurance agreed. Which was a rarity, Laurance and Zane hardly ever agreed.

"Laurance, Dante... when did you guys get here?" Aphmau asked.

"We got recruited for the Guardian Forces." Laurance told her. "It was before you guys left, but we weren't allowed to actually say why we were leaving so we made up our explanations. We've been undercover the whole time."

"How? How could you know to be undercover?"

"Vylad. Garroth and Zane's little brother. He was a part of it before us and he knew a bit about them trying to find the Ultima. And when we found out who we were supposed to be going after, we did our best to subtly deter them."

Aphmau tried to stand, she did it but she also was in audible and visible pain.


She was fine. Once Aphmau stood up, she didn't look like she was in so much pain. She turned and saw Kawaii-Chan on the chair with a large bandage around her torso that was getting bled through. Dante was in a similar state, a bandage around his torso and you could see the blood seeping through. Though his was in one spot while Kawaii-Chan's was across her whole chest.

"Kawaii-Chan! Dante!"

"I'm so happy to see you alive." Kawaii-Chan said weakly. Dante nodded.

Aphmau took steps towards them.

"Do not try to heal them in your state! Using your energy right now could damage you beyond my repair!" Lucinda exclaimed.

Aphmau turned back to her. "B-But—"

"We'll be ok." Dante assured her.

"This is interesting..." they all looked at Kim. They had explained the whole thing with Ghost so Laurance and Dante weren't too freaked out. "We may have healed her but there's no way we revived her soul on our own." Ghost turned to Aphmau. "What happened to you?"

Aphmau looked down. "I-I met with an angel."

"Of course she had a say in this." They all looked towards Terry. "She's the matron."

"What on earth are you talking about?" Zane demanded.

"Wait," Aphmau stepped forward, "aren't you—"

"Travis' father. Yes. And a catalyst that helped set things in motion."

"How did you get here?"

Kim answered. "Lucinda, Laurance, and I brought him here." She looked back at Terry. "We needed answers."

"Answers... only I can give." Terry got up from the couch and walked over to Aphmau. "Let's hope whatever she saw in you will help us."

"Being cryptic isn't going to help us in this situation." Lucinda said.

"Let's start from the beginning." Terry sighed. "My name is Terry Valkrum, I come from a long legacy that stems from an ancient warlock. One of great power and evil."

"Wait, are you a descendant of the Demon Warlock?" Laurance guessed. Lucinda gave him a confused look like 'how do you know about that?' "What? I read. I did my research ok?"


"That's impossible. His descendants were hunted down and killed thousands of years ago because of the chance he would return." Lucinda argued.

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