The Craziest .. Damnedest Thing I've Ever Seen

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flashback .. my last night

at the dance club .. enjoyable

seemed the night went by fast

danced with every fine lady

happened to be sitting at my table

i'd much on my mind

being a test car driver

for Mercedes-Benz

my stellar career there

had reached it's end

so much to think about

I drank and drank

usually i'd maintain

not this particular night

going home alone was strange

it was crazy indeed

fast forward .. I recall

waking sloppy drunk

I knew i'd hit the bridge

the forgotten night .. before

my beautiful classic car

i'd thought a minor bump

maybe a few tiny scrapes

peeking out of my door

my car looked totaled out

entire driver's side

front of hood to trunk

crunched like an accordian

headlight pointing sideways

my poor stomach .. roared

I took two bc powders

my head was pounding

feeling sick .. laid back down

a six-pack of cold beer later

began feeling righteous again

memory returned

spent half the night

with a first grade teacher

she was a lesbian needing a man

the craziest .. damnedest thing i've ever seen

Copyright @ December 2014


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