Not A Moment's Rest Did I Have That Day

36 11 15

she demanded I put them in the streets

you have my pregnant daughter to care for

she already knew i'd been caring for terrie

cooking for her every single day after work

her mother, judy .. had never taught her

hell .. terrie couldn't even boil water

judy had left me completely speechless

after what she'd said .. deep, I was hurt

so very deep .. I couldn't hardly think

slowly i'd processed what she'd said

it was like I couldn't believe my ears

after her mom left I asked terrie

if she thought like her mom

should I force tommy and kathy to leave

into the cruel streets .. their ages so young

she replied yes .. we don't have enough room

for all of us to live comfortably

one queen size bed and a rollaway

piercing hurt enveloped my being

flashback .. before her mom had left

i'd walked judy out the door .. outside

decided to have a few words with her

asked her did she realize she has no heart

hatefully she'd replied .. tommy and kathy

aren't your family any more .. just let them go

get rid of them .. they're a burden

it won't hurt you to cut them loose

put them out on their own .. they'll survive

someone will find and take care of them

I went back inside .. slammed the door

fast forward .. all day at work I worried

my luck that bitter cold .. snowy morning

my truck wouldn't crank so i'd walked

I was frozen stiff when i'd reached work

not a moment's rest did I have that day

Copyright @ November 2014


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