I Fired Up The Bong .. Smiling Nervously, He Hit It

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fast forward .. dolly is long gone

alline's guy .. steve arrived in town

I pondered .. what's a guy to do

figured i'd check on some friends

I called paula, candy and mary

all three girls dropped by that evening

we played some rock and roll music

boston's smash hit .. 'more than a feeling'

perfect .. under twelve feet of blacklights 

we smoked until we were stoned high

out of the blue .. alline called me

trying to smooth over steve's visit

I replied .. all's cool, we'll chat later

paula, candy, mary and i decided

we'll grab some beer .. go to the river

stopped by the liquor store

johnny brought a case of beer

all the way outside to us

we thanked him .. I asked

if he'd like to join us after work

sure, he said .. why the hell not

finally we reached the river

made a bonfire on the bank

drank lots of beer .. jabbered

waited .. for johnny to arrive

summer night .. there was smothering heat

girls stoned high .. couldn't wait any more

stripped off all of their cool hippie threads

well-worn bell bottoms .. thin, sexy tube tops

none were wearing a bra .. life is very good

of course I happily joined them

splashing .. frolicking in the cool river

celebrating life .. we laughed like crazy 

moonlight shining upon perky breasts

hot damn .. it felt highly exciting to be free

johnny finally arrived about that time

girls were completely crazy about him

he sat on the bank grasping his beer

too shy to skinny dip .. his face deep red

I fired up the bong .. smiling nervously, he hit it

Copyright @ October 2014


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