Dark Starless Night Had Fallen Quickly

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Tiger Dan's sat on the corner

historic downtown El Dorado

I stood in the front .. outside

curious if i'd be stood up

much to my surprise .. Lisa arrived

it was so good to see her smile

seasons had passed between us

we hugged .. kissed passionately

then ordered steak, salad and fries

she dropped a sliced tomato

on her smooth .. exposed legs

sitting close in a vintage booth

I leaned down .. eating the fruit up

leaving soft .. trace impressions

upon her fishnet stockinged thighs

all was cool .. no one could see us

her face turned deep red

she was quite taken aback

speechless .. her soft lips trembling

she reached down .. shaking visibly

caressed my warm face with her palm

the waiter appeared unexpectedly

my face turned slightly scotch red

he grinned .. asked if we needed anything

dabbing tomato off of my face with a napkin

politely I replied no .. he retreated quickly

both of our heads were in a crazy, dizzy whirl

Lisa related she'd never been to Tiger Dan's

had always wanted to .. never had a chance

I felt honored to have dinner with her there

it was truly a highly festive atmosphere

we went to her house after dinner

she checked in with her grandmother

then led me outside to the carport

she wiggled out of her clothes fast

dark starless night had fallen quickly

Copyright @ March 2015


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