We Snorted Another Eightball

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  • Dedicated to L'il Bro Ronny.. Happy Birthday!!! Love you!

venecia and I felt like prisoners

handcuffed to the cocaine

the more we tried to stop 

more eightballs mario setup 

a couple of months went by

we all started to bleed

from our throats .. noses

blood oozed out of our ears

this is some serious cocaine

leaving .. taking no prisoners

mario had destroyed his face

even lost his complete mind

months of waving the loaded .38

around and around near our heads

loading .. unloading bullets like mad

every day .. going out

to the snow covered foothills

shooting five .. ten clips a day

into ancient, stone mountain rock

sharp chips flying all over the place

he and I had a conversation

if one could even call it that

looking a bit peaked .. timid

he proceeded by telling me

my entire family's names .. ages

said if anything happened 

if he were to ever get busted

then all of my family would die

related the mob would torture

every single one of them to death

I knew he'd lost his mind

i'd never been a cop .. narc

I wasn't about to start now

calmly .. quietly I let him know

if anything happened at all

to any of my family members

i'd not have to lift a little finger

he'd get his .. sooner or later

this is for absolute certain

we snorted another eightball

Copyright @ January 2015


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