Lance wrapped the blanket around Georgia and watched as she fell asleep quickly.

"I'm surprised she knows what to do." Shay said. "Usually with kids you have to kind of force them to have a nap."

"Yeah not with Georgia." Keith replied. "Once she gets tired she'll bring her blanket and lion to one of us and just fall asleep."

"So cute."

The room went silent before Shiro decided to speak.

"So the ship is done and ready to go." Shiro started. "The kids will be bunking with each other though. Kora and Jade in one room while the boys are in the other. Georgia can stay with Keith and Lance in there room."

Keith nodded. "Did you add the training deck?"

"Of course we did." Pidge said. "The training deck is you're life."

"Dad." Kora said walking into the room. "Am I okay to go and meet up with a friend quickly? They need to talk to me."

Keith nodded. "Be home in an hour. Bring my blade. Just in case."

Kora nodded and gave her dad a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back."

As Kora walked out of the room, Keith debated on following her or letting her be.

"I don't have a good feeling about this." The male mumbled.

"Nor do I." Lance said. "But there's not much we can do at the moment."


"You're disgusting!"

They stood in an alleyway. Somewhere secure and where no one could see them.

Kora's eyes widened for a moment before speaking. "Is this why you called me here? Just so you can insult me for being who I am?"

Kora had a feeling something was going to happen.

"It's not just me."

Kora watched as her old friends surrounded her. "What are you doing?"

"You know." One of them started. "We never really liked you from the beginning. But we never had a reason to hate you. But now we do."

Kora cupped her mouth. "Than why did you stay with me? You could've just ignored me!"

The girl wanted to cry. But she didn't want to look weak.

"Because it got fun to toy around with you."

"But then you came out to us. You can't like all genders! You can only like one. So pick a side. Do you like girls or dudes?"

Kora shrugged. "I like both. You can't make me choose! And I don't care if you don't like me because I'm not being fake unlike some people." The girl spat as she started walking away. "You guys wasted my time anyways. I have better things to do than play with barbies."

On the outside, Kora put on a tough girl act, but on the inside, everything that was happening hurt.

"Get her!"

Kora stopped in her tracks and looked at the sky. "I hope I don't loose control."

Kora was punched in the face as another girl dragged her nails down Kora's face causing her to bleed.

"That's going to bruise." The girl whispered touching her face.

Kora whipped around and punched a girl hard.

"You know." Kora said as she continued to fight. "I was trained by the Paladin's of Voltron. Not just that but, I fought people way worse than you. Some had magical abilities even. So if you think you're putting up a fight against me. Well think again bitch, because this. This is nothing."

Pretty soon the fight was over and Kora looked behind her.

"Oops. I think I went overboard." Kora giggled as she looked at the fakes laying on the ground all in pain. "My bad."

As Kora left the alleyway, she felt something wet on her face.

"Rain?" The girl whispered looking up at the clear sky. "Oh. I'm crying."

She quickly pulled her hood on to cover her face as she walked home.


Keith walked into the living room to see what the kids wanted to do for dinner. But what stopped him was when his daughter slammed the door shut.

"Kora you alright?" Keith asked making the girl stop in her tracks.

He watched as Kora pulled the hood closer to her face.

That's when he noticed her bruised knuckles. "What happened?" Keith questioned moving towards the girl.

"It's nothing."

"Don't lie to me Kora." Keith said in a soft tone. "What happened? Did you get into a fight?"

"I said it was nothing!" Kora shouted, her voice cracking as she did so.

Lance peeked around the corner, followed by the other adults.

"Kora." Keith said gently as he reached out to her. "You know you can talk to me."

Kora didn't say anything as she raced off to her room.

Keith was stunned. He stood there for about a minute before looking over at Lance.

"Just give her a few minutes." Lance said noticing the distress look on his husbands face. "She just needs to calm down."

Our Future (VOLTRON AU) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now