Chapter 23: Losing Trust

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"Oi Galand." Meliodas said as he stopped in front of the demon. "What's wrong with you?" Galand asked, noticing the weird look on Meliodas' face.

"Nothing's wrong but I think I'm starting to believe you and the commandments. I had a flashback, a vision, a thought.....whatever it was, and that goddess was there. There's no way this is a coincidence." They stood there in silence.

"Of course we were right. Galand was there so if anyone had lied to you, they would have turned into stone. Just like he did." Melascula laughed as she turned the corner. "S-Shut up! That was a one time thing!" Galand shouted back flustered. "Awww. Can't handle the truth Galand?" Melascula mocked.

The prince tried to hold his laugh back but a slight chuckle got through. "I never noticed until now, but you guys are really nice." Meliodas said with a genuine smile on his face. "M-My prince!" Melascula cooed as she tried to pounce him.

"Not happening." Meliodas joked as he sidestepped her. "Meliodas!" She pouted as Meliodas and Galand began laughing. "What's so funny?" Gloxinia joined in. "Gloxinia? When'd you get here?" Meliodas asked while clearing the tears from his eyes. "Me and Drole just got here." He answered as he gestured to the giant.

"Interesting." The giant mumbled as he observed the situation. With Meliodas' back turned, Melascula tried to pounce him once more. "Nope." Meliodas teased with a smirk as she missed him again. Everyone began to laugh again at Melascula's actions. "You guys are jerks." She uttered with another pout.

"C'moooon. We're just playing with you Mela." Meliodas told her. "Mela?" She asked while tilting her head. "That's your nickname. Mela." He answered with a grin. "My p-" Melascula started.

"I'm gonna dodge again if you try to pounce me." He mocked. "Hmph."

"We should train again." Gloxinia offered. "Sure thing Glox." Meliodas quickly answered back. "You guys go get Deriere and Monspeet. I'll catch up!" Meliodas said as he waved them off.

"Hey guys. About the meeti-" Ban was cut off. "Boo!" Meliodas shouted as he scared everyone but Merlin and Escanor. "What the hell cap? We were in a meeting!" Ban hissed.

"Hm? About what?"

"You..." Ban mumbled. "Me? Why me?" Meliodas asked. "Not just you. It's about you and the princess." Ban finished.

"What about us?" Elizabeth asked with a sight glare. "I thought this meeting was about how to get Meliodas to accept his place as the captain."

"The real reason is how to figure out what to do about the two of ya forgetting each other. What do ya think...King?" King quickly jumped up with a frightened look on his face. "Ban?! What the hell?!" He angrily asked.

"I'm tired of lying. They have a right to know." Ban hissed. "About?" Meliodas asked, getting more and more annoyed by the second. "About your memories. And each other. We roughly know how the princess lost her memory of you Meliodas. But what about you? How did you lose your's?" Ban asked.

"I don't know the details. I just have a rough idea of how and what happened. No specifics or gurantees though." Meliodas answered back.

"So what do you think happened?" Merlin asked from across the room. "Well, I'm assuming that during my last fight with you guys, I somehow got knocked out. Afterwards, the commandments took me back to the demon realm with my father. That's when I received three commandments. I'm not telling the details of those right now, but I assume that either the commandments took my memories, or my father took them. But if he took them, why would he?" Meliodas asked with a hand on his chin.

"I think he did it. Your father is the firmest believer in the war between races." Merlin shot back. "He wouldn't do it. My father always has my best interest in mind. He'd never screw me over." Meliodas said, sounding like he was trying to convince himself. "But I just-" She was cut off.

"Shut the hell up Merlin!" Meliodas snarled as he let off some murderous intent. "Sorry. I'm gonna go." He mumbled as he left their meeting. "Meliodas!" Elizabeth called out to him but was stopped by Ban. "Let him go princess. He needs some time."


'Wait...did Elizabeth just go "Tch?" She never makes that sound.' Everyone but Elizabeth thought at the same time.

"I'm going home. Finish your meeting or whatever." Elizabeth hissed. "What the hell just happened?" Ban asked. "Oh no. This might be the worst case scenario." Diane mumbled looking like she was in a world of her own. "Huh? What do you know Diane?" King said loud enough for her to hear. "What if...her personality got shaped my Meliodas? Think about it, he knew her first so we didn't know her before him. I'm thinking that their interactions as kids, somehow changed her personality." Diane nervously explained.

"There's no way! Elizabeth has always been nice. Maybe it's just the situation we're in. I mean, her friends know she has a past with a demon that she tried to fight, but never told her until that same demon starts being friends with her." King responded. "Personally, I hope King's right. If what Diane said is true, then we need to recover her memories as fast as possible." Merlin joined in. "Why do you care Merlin? If I'm not mistaken, you only care about Meliodas. Why help a rival?" Ban asked with a glare. "My motivations and intentions are none of your concern Ban." Merlin answered, returning the glare.

"What's with all this hostility? If the demon prince tries anything, then I, Escanor shall handle it!" He pridefully stated.

"Not this shit again. Escanor listen to me. Every time you have fought Meliodas or the commandments, you were useless. Meliodas handed you your ass in every fight and you were only good as a shield against the commandments. If he did try to kill us, our only hope is Elizabeth." Ban growled.

"That was before I had control over Sunshine. While I was still the strongest, my eyes couldn't keep up with my body so my aim and strength was off." Escanor boasted again.

"Whatever. If he fights you again, you'd better win." Ban stated bored in the conversation.

Later that night, Meliodas was having a nightmare.

"You lack the strength to protect anyone. Give control of your body to me and we'll be able to save everyone."

"No! I can protect them on my own!"

"Then what about your poor brother Zeldris? Your strength would've killed him if not for Gowther. And what about the goddess? You were never enough to protect her. With you around, she was always in danger and you could never do anything about it. Give me your body and I'll protect everyone.

"No damnit! I'll never hand my body over to you. You'll have to kill me first! do you know about Zeldris?"

"Heh. I'll give you 24 hours to rethink your decision."

"Wait a minute!" Meliodas shouted as he jumped awake.

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