Part 6: Demonic Training

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"Faster Meliodas! If you don't clean up your act, you'll never be strong enough to protect those you love." The demon king shouted. He flinched upon hearing this and his spiral transformed into an ark. 'Ah. It seems his demon powers are linked to his emotions. I wonder what would happen if I cut them.' Meliodas began tearing through his sparring partners, barely leaving them alive. Since he wasn't used to having the ark, the strain knocked him out. 'Heh. About time he lost it. Now it's time to rid my son of the curse of emotions.'

Back on earth, everyone was searching for Meliodas. Zeldris and Estarossa were desperate to find their brother. They couldn't imagine life without the blonde ball of happiness around. Their thoughts were interrupted by the frantic knocks on the door. They opened it to find a sweaty Elizabeth at the door with four others. "Any leads? Reasons why he left?" She spat out quickly. Estarossa took a deep sigh and replied, "No but I might know one. I tried to ignore it but I walked in several times on Meliodas getting hit by other demons. I thought they were playing but it seems they were bullying or fighting him."

Elizabeth's face gave off pure rage as she charged at Estarossa. "So you knew all this but never helped?! You saw him getting those injuries but you watched and thought they were kidding?! What kind of brother are you?!" She hissed as the sins did their best to hold her back.

"I apologise. It's demonic culture to play roughly with your friends and its not uncommon to obtain injuries." Estarosaa calmly replied. Zeldris began to speak, "Even so, you should've asked him. You know he was kind and wouldn't hurt anyone even if it was a cultural thing."

"Why would he leave randomly? Do you guys think that it finally got to him? Or it was getting worse and he wanted to protect himself or Eizabeth?"

"No clue but one thing is for sure. We have to find him before father. If father finds him first, it'll be the end of us all." Estarossa said with a glare.

Back in the demon realm, Meliodas was awoken by his father. "I have bad news my son. That goddess that you cared so much for, was actually the reason for your pain. She asked those demons to bully you so you'd learn your place." Meliodas scoffed and lightly laughed. "Good one father but she wouldn't do that. She is the kindest person I know. Her sense of self wouldn't let her do that to someone." He gently spoke with a smile. "Then explain this."

His father chanted a magic spell, and an illusion of Elizabeth and the sins appeared. "Anyone know why the demon left? Seems weird to me." The tall one with silver hair spat. "No clue but I'm glad he's gone. He was only in the way anyway. Whenever I needed help, he have some half baked answer. Not to mention he is useless when it comes to seeing a problem and reacting. But he's an expert at getting beat up." Elizabeth spoke with her usual smile and a slight laugh. "You're right but doesn't that seem weird or wrong to you?" The silver hair'd one spoke again.

"Ban if you weren't immortal, I would've attacked you for constantly arguing with me. You guys have no idea how hard it was to maintain that fake persona whenever he was around." She complained while plastering a smile on her face. "No...this is...fake right? She.....wouldn't..." Meliodas trailed off. 'Now's my chance! Making his bond with the goddess get weaker will allow me to cut them completely.' He then recited a spell which knocked Meliodas out for five seconds and he woke instinctively.

"How are you my son?" The demon king asked hopefully. "I'm fine father. I'd rather train than talk if possible." Meliodas hissed as he walked to the training area.

'Finally! I now have his trust! He'll be my tool to eradicate all the races.' The DK thought to himself.

Back on earth, everyone was losing hope. "Zeldris, he might not be on this continent anymore. Since he might be stronger than us both combined, he could've flew overseas to avoid all chances." Estarossa quietly spoke. "You may be right brother. But how do we split from them to go check?" Zeldris shot back. "Don't worry. I got the distraction." Estarossa mumbled, shooing his brother away. "Ahem. GUYS! C'MERE!" Estarossa shouted. "What?" they all said with death glares. "Me and Zeldris have to go. Our mother just called and said she was sick. We have to go get our father and meet with Mom. Sorry guys." He finished as he formed his onyx black wings and flew away at mind numbing speeds.

Ban came rushing downstairs and asked, "Anyone know why the demon left? Seems weird to me." He said.

(Picture the conversation from earlier continues pls)

"What fake persona? You seemed normal to me?" Elaine chirped. "Well yeah, but I have to leash my anger before all else. Because I'm sure you guys noticed but he could kill us all with little resistance." She spoke simply while drinking water.

'Where are you Mel? We miss you...I miss you...please fufill your promise and return to us. I'll be waiting.'

'Just you wait Liz. I'm gonna train for three years just to take you on. I will humiliate you, the way it happened to me.'

(Sorru for the late apology and upload. I was playing grandcross trying to raise my PL. But I won't let it interfere again. Sorry once again guys🥺🥺🥺.)

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