Chapter 15: Save me

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As Meliodas moved forward, he seemed to be fighting himself. 'He's lying! I killed them for being traitors!' He screamed to himself mentally. His motion stopped as his eyes disappeared. He remained motionless until Elizabeth moved closer.

"Mel? What's wrong?" She gently asked placing a hand on his shoulder. He shook her hand off and flew away. 'What the hell was that? Why did I suddenly think Ban and Merlin killed them. The only person with memory magic is Gowther. Was he trying to betray me?' The thoughts kept piling up as he slowly got closer to home. Once he reached home, his darkness swelled.

'Damnit. I can't stop it. Darkness taking...over. I need your help Liz. I can't fight this...forever. You are my only...hope when I...become the worst enemy.' He managed to think as he lost conciousness.

Elizabeth flinched as her head began to hurt. 'Hm? What was that?' She thought as she tried to defuse the fight starting in front of her. "Hey guys? Meliodas is gone so there's no reason to fight." Diane mentioned. "Thank you Diane." Elizabeth spoke sarcastically. Diane giggled as Galand was sent flying past her head. "Why am I always the one getting hurt?" Galand grumpily asked as he slowly limped back. The commandments laughed at his pitiful appearance and thanked Escanor for the sight he gave them. He laughed and boasted about its ease which pissed Galand off. He shouted that he could take Escanor down without a second thought.

Without warning, Galand's body began to change as he turned into stone. The teachers finally noticed the fight and tried splitting it but it was too late. Galand had already been turned to stone and rendered immobile and only Zeldris could undo it but no one had seen him for a while. Though, the commandments knew why.

Meanwhile, Meliodas was still struggling against his inner self.

'What happened to you? Father made us a killing machine and now you're in love with the goddess again. Despicable.'

'Shut up! You wouldn't understand how nice she makes me feel.'

'I have the same memories as you. I know how she made you feel but I feel nothing.'

'Cause you're darkness. But one day, I'm gonna break free and then...I'm coming for all that darkness and hatred inside you.'

'Hmph. You can't stop me even if I lowered my guard.'

Their argument continued in the dark cocoon while Gowther laughed to himself. "What's so funny Gowther?" Melascula hissed, hating the sound of his laughter. "Nothing. I just have control over my best pawn yet." He replied with an evil smirk. All the commandments tensed up and increased their killing intent hevaily.

Gowther almost flinched as he realized what was happening. "You're not...controlling the prince are you?" Deriere asked cracking her knuckles. He gulped as she stepped forward. "O-Of course not. The prince would never f-fall victim to my abilities." He stuttered nervously. "That's weird Gowther. Meliodas sama had no wish to fight the guy with silver hair or the girl with black hair but he suddenly wanted to kill them. Pretty strange but it makes sense considering he took an attack from you for the goddess." Gloxinia explained with a hateful look in his eyes. Gowther couldn't see a safe way out but the commandments had no desire to kill one of their own. They walked away disappointed but they had one more thing to say as they left. "Mess with the prince again, and we'll destroy you."

Elsewhere, Elizabeth was worried. 'Why do I feel like Mel is in danger? I can't get rid of this bad feeling.' She thought to herself. "Elizabeth what's up? You don't seem like yourself." Diane spoke from the desk one over from her. "To be honest, I think Meliodas needs me right now. He is fighting us like he's evil but something is wrong with him. He doesn't want to." She explained with watery eyes. "Don't cry Elizabeth! We'll bring back the guy you love!" Diane said loud enough for the entire class to hear.

They all turned around and stared at Diane and Elizabeth, who started blushing heavily. The boys were in disbelief. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? WHO DOES SHE LOVE?" They shouted with a violent look. Diane suddenly thought of a good way to get them to back off. "She's in love with Drole. You know, the leader of the giant clan and a member of the commandments." She cooed with a smirk.

Without another word, the guys turned back around with nervous sweating and shaking every now and then. "You know...I feel like thay lie is gonna backfire eventually." Elizabeth said, scratching the back of her neck. Before Diane could respond, Ban and King walked in to get Elizabeth and Diane since it was time to go home. "C'mon princess~ School's over~" Ban said as they all left. "What do you think Ban? Do you think there's something wrong with Meliodas? Or did he actually turn evil?" She asked with a depressed look.

Ban and Meliodas' last conversation suddenly replayed in his head.

"Oi. Meliodas." He growled as the demon looked at him. "What the hell is wrong with you? You made her suffer during all those years you were gone and then you come back acting like a jerk!" He exclaimed in Meliodas' face.

Meliodas' bangs covered his face as he mumbled, "You know nothing. None of you knows a thing!" He replied as his aura intensified. "Of course we don't! You won't tell us anything!" Ban snarled at the prince. I don't care what happened while I was away. Elizabeth is alive and I lead the commandments now." Meliodas gloated as Ban walked closer.

"Screw you. But have ya seen Zeldris~? My friend Gelda is looking for him." Ban asked. All Meliodas did was chuckle in response as he walked away.

"I don't know princess. I thought he was a nice guy but I'm not sure now."

Back with Meliodas the cocoon was breaking as the winning ego was emerging.

"Finally. I'm free."

Sorry about the REALLY REALLY REALLY long time between chapters. I had a lot of stuff to do so I had to stop making this chapter halfway through and continued it today.

But did you catch the Naruto reference? ;)

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