Part 12: Back To His Senses

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As Meliodas walked toward Galand, his demonic marks slowly grew. His rage only grew as memories of the commandments bullying him flooded in. "Oi. Gowther. Patch me through to everyone but Meliodas." Escanor commanded.

Gowther complied without complaint and put everyone through. "What's the meaning of this Gowther? Putting a lowly human into our heads."

'Worry not commandment. I have no reason to mess with those beneath me. So listen up. I'll only say this once. The plan is...'

"This is one gutsy human. To think he'd come up with a plan like this." Galand joked as he ducked a kick from Meliodas. "K..ill.." he grumbled as he continued the assault.

While he focused on Galand, Melascula walked behind Meliodas and touched his back. Instead of losing his soul, Meliodas turned around and punched her into lockers. "You...nex..t..." he hissed as he once again attacked Galand. "You seem to hate me a lot. Was I your favorite or something?" Galand mocked.

'Tch. This human better not be lying.' He thought to himself as he continued to provoke Meliodas. "Do you hate me because I always forced the truth out of you? Or is it because I always threatened that goddess?" Galand continued to piss him off further. Meliodas roared in anger and went berserk. His vision became blurred and all he could focus on were the living creatures before him.

"Now human!" Galand shouted. Escanor jumped down and towered over Meliodas. "Try not to die." He boasted as he started to fight in his 'The One' form. He ignored Escanor and dodged around toward Galand. "Human..not important." He growled as he landed consecutive punches on Galand.

'Damnit. Is his power level still growing? And where are the teachers when you need them.' He thought to himself. As Meliodas prepared the finishing blow, Escanor swallowed his pride and attacked from behind. "Divine Sword...Escanor." He lowly said as he sliced the air with his hand. Meliodas felt a cut going down his body and jumped back but it was too late. The damage was done.

"Damn....human...." He trailed off as he lost conciousness. Seeing Meliodas in such a state sent chills down Eizabeth's spine. "Meliodas!" She cried in anguish as she ran to him. Escanor's 'The One' form faded and he passed out from overexerting himself.

Since both threats were down, an injured Galand and almost fine Melascula approached. "So...he's knocked out. And the only other problem as well? Perfect oppurtunity to rid us of these nuisances." Melascula cackled as she sent a dark tentacle towards Meliodas' neck. Before it could reach, Merlin put them in a perfect cube.

"Tch. Next time you won't be as lucky." She hissed as she and Galand left. "Thanks Merlin. If not for you, they would be..." she looked down, trying not to imagine Meliodas dead. "No problem. I owed Meliodas anyway." She said with a blush as she turned her head.

"Gowther? Weren't you one of the commandments who attacked me for no reason?" Meliodas hissed in his mental space. "Yes I was. But, now my goal is different. I will return your memories." Gowther replied with a pose. "Maybe you didn't notice but I still don't like or trust you. So why?" Meliodas snarled at the puppet. "As a favor. In return, you owe me a favor back in reality. But you can't tell anyone...yet. Deal?" He asked.

"Whatever." He answered as his memories came back at once. His body shocked awake as they all returned.

"Damn. Why is my head killing me? And why do I feel like I got cut in two?" Meliodas asked with his powers fading and his emerald green eyes showing. "Meliodas? Is it the old you?" Elizabeth asked. He quickly prepared a facade and reactivated his powers. "Sorry to disappoint...goddess." She looked down in sadness and it tore Meliodas' heart in half. 'No. Don't give in. Gowther warned you.' He thought.

"Merlin. Lower the cube." He commanded as she did what she was told. Meliodas quickly left to find the two commandments who he felt he had contact with recently. As he came closer, he noticed they looked injured. "Hey. What happened to you? You two look pathetic." Meliodas said with a stern look but was laughing on the inside. Melascula growled and said, "A fight. With you." Meliodas faked surprise and said, "Why don't I remember? Father told me to protect my fellow demons from the races. Why would I turn on you guys?" Meliodas asked with a fake tremble.

The two fell for it and saw him as a candidate for their leader. "It was our fault. Since you want to help and you're so strong, why not lead the commandments?" Galand asked. "I would but I don't wanna hurt the current leader's pride...too much." He said with a smirk and asked them to take him to their hangout area. When he got there, he couldn't believe his eyes.

His powers temporarily turned off from the shock so his emerald green orbs showed. And there were tears forming.

"It was you? You were the one who caused all this?" Meliodas asked furiously as his powers came back. The lack of response sent Meliodas over the edge.


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