Chapter 4: Commandments

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"Your job is to go there and disturb my son. You can do it by making him hate the goddess or just bully him. Either way, I want you to make him fear you. And when's at his lowest, I'll show up and 'save' him." A deep voice barked at eight others.

They all nodded and made their way to the prince's school, morphing to look younger. "How are we gonna get him to not fight back." A silverette asked while sitting on darkness. "Easy. We just jump him. I don't care how strong he is. He can't fight all of us at once." A pink robotic demon with neon green eyes spoke up. "That might work Galand. Who's gonna supress the goddess?" A girl with long orange hair asked.

"I'll do it since I probably couldn't help fight the prince." The purple spiky one asked. "Whatever you say Fraudrin. Deriere, are you sure about this?" A man asked with no mouth in a monotone voice. "Order's from the top. Do you wanna tell the demon king that you don't want to do this?" she barked.

"No....but...." They all stopped talking when they saw their target in front of them. It was as the Demon King had told them. Their prince was being friendly with a goddess. "Hey blondie!" Deriere shouted from their spot. Meliodas looked over confused. As he made his way to them, Elizabeth stopped him. "Wait. I think they're demons Mel." She said with a slight tremble in her voice. "Don't worry! I can handle it Liz." He said with his coy grin.

"What's up? Do I know you guys or something?" He asked politely. "No...but we know you." Galand said while chuckling. "You're creepy. So why did-" Meliodas was cut off when Deriere's fist hit his cheek. "Was that supposed to hurt? That felt like-" He was cut off again with a second punch. Only this time, he felt it. What the hell's wrong with this girl. First, she hits me for no reason, then she hits me again and it stings. Did I do something to them? As Meliodas was about to catch the third punch, Galand pushed his hand down so that Meliodas couldn't block. His spiral formed and he kicked Galand away. When his foot hit the ground, Deriere's third hit landed and broke his arm. Damnit. Wasn't there another one? He was purple and- His thoughts froze as he saw Fraudrin holding Elizabeth's unconcious body in his hands.

His spiral slowly unraveled into the ark that made even Estarossa shiver. Before any of then could blink, Fraudrin was on the ground and Meliodas had Elizabeth in his arms. "Don't worry Liz. It'll be over soon." He charged back into the commandments and attacked Monspeet. While he was fighting Monspeet, Deriere came from behind him and landed hits four through ten in a flash. When the eleventh strike connected, Meliodas flinched which gave all the commandments their chance. "Hellfire" Monspeet spoke ominously. "Full Size!" Galand screamed. "Invasion Arrow!" Gowther bellowed. "Darkness Overdrive!" Melascula said. All the attacks landed, leaving Meliodas drooling crimson blood. The smell soon filled the air as teachers came running.

Meliodas collapsed and his ark faded. When he awoke, he was blinded by dizzying lights and someone's calming voice. "l...el...MEL!" Elizabeth snapped. He flinched at her voice and slowly raised his head. Upon making eye contact, he dropped his head again but this time was...different. He was furious that he wasn't strong enough to protect her. "What's wrong Mel?" she asked smoothly with a concerned look. "Nothing. What happened to the guys who attacked us?" The young blonde asked, clenching his fist. "They weren't caught. In fact, they don't even know what our attackers look like." She answered sadly. "I'm not suprised honestly. I fought them and can barely remember their faces. Besides, they knew when to attack so they're not idiots. We need to stick together from now on." Meliodas explained seriously. Elizabeth blushed at the last part as she held her face.

They had to have a reason. But what could it be? The rest of the day went by in a flash to Meliodas. As the final bell rang, Meliodas and Elizabeth were surrounded by suspicious people. "Hey shortie. Remember this morning?" A rough feminine voice barked. They looked up and Meliodas recognized one face. It was the girl whose hits slowly hurt more and more. "What do you want?" Elizabeth asked with a slight tremble. She hoped they didn't notice but Meliodas did. He gave off a low growl because they made her afraid of them.

"This doesn't involve you goddess. This is between us and him." The kid with a....moustache? hissed. "Why do you have a moustache?" Meliodas asked, trying to distract them. Everyone turned to look at him. "What the hell? Did WE only just notice?" The girl asked. "I knew all along but I thought we were just ignoring him." The pink haired.....kid chimed in. While they bickered, Meliodas and Elizabeth snuck away.

Suddenly, they heard them coming for them again. Meliodas pushed Elizabeth out the door and sealed it shut using his demon magic. "Sorry but you're not touching her." Meliodas threatened. "Didn't you hear us pipsqueak? We only wanna hurt you. You being around her is what's endangering her." The robotic kid cackled. They were all overwhelmed by a strong demonic presence as the door, previously shut by Meliodas, was forced open. Estarossa walked in and grabbed Meliodas. "Excuse me kiddos. Me and my brothers have some buisness to attend to."

Let me start off by saying SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE. I wanted to update it sooner but I got writer's block. Plus, I've been playing Seven deadly sins grand cross which didn't help. I'll try to update more often so please forgive my extremely late update.

(P.S. I feel like this was the worst part by far)

Losing Controlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें