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Imagine 80s Kirk

September 29th 1983Wednesday's bedroom

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September 29th 1983
Wednesday's bedroom

Chapter 1: "shit!"

*Beep beep beep* the loud sound of the second alarm went off, filling the once quiet room with a high pitched irritating sound.

"Shit!" Said a voice from under the covers of the bed. A pale arm reached out searching around for the alarm clock frantically. The annoying sound ended abruptly.

The covers were thrown off the bed, cold air meeting Wednesday's body as she shivered before running to her dresser. Without a second thought clothes were flying in all directions. About 30 seconds later a pile of clothes were laid out messily on the bed.

Today was the day. The new Ozzy Osbourne album "Bark at the Moon" was being released today and I wanted to be the first person at the record store. Even though there are hardly any people in this town who actually like metal , let alone know who Ozzy Osbourne is, I can't risk not getting a CD. I already missed my first alarm so I really need to hurry to make it to the store opening.

I ran to the bathroom and hurriedly put some toothpaste on my toothbrush, out of panic I accidentally put way too much on. My mouth was burning from the mint taste and because I was in a hurry, I had managed to make my gums bleed a little. I thought nothing of it however and spat out the toothpaste. "Shit!" Just my luck, I had missed the sink.

Running from the bathroom to my bed again, I glanced at the digital clock. "10:17am...Shit, shit, shit!" I had 13 minutes to get my ass to the record store. I threw on my tight black jeans and a random shirt that I had grabbed out of the dresser, it turned out to be a misfits t-shirt. In an attempt to put on my mis-matched socks, I had fell to the ground. "Shit!"

The only item left on the bed was my bullet belt which was a pain to put on. I grabbed it along with a wad of cash and my little Nokia phone.

I threw open my door and ran down the stairs. I stopped at the front door, practically hitting it because I didn't slow down in time. The first pair of sneakers I saw were simple black high-tops, they would have to do. "Mom! I'm going to the record store now, bye!" I yelled while putting on the shoes. Within minutes of waking up I was out the door.

While making my way to my old rundown car I tried my best to wrap the bullet belt around my waist. To my surprise I actually succeeded pretty well.

I jumped into the car taking just a few seconds to adjust myself, however, I froze when I saw my reflection in the rear view mirror.

My hair was an absolute mess and I looked as if I hadn't slept in days despite the fact that I practically never left my bed the day before. Luckily, this happened a lot and I kept an eyeliner pencil in the car in case of an emergency. I pulled down the sun visor mirror in front of me and messily applied it around my eyes. It was messy but it looked damn good.

The messy hair kind of pulled the look together, giving me a more metal appearance which I always loved.

Time was not on my side and I had no time to spare so I started the car. With a roar from the engine I was off and on my way to the record store.

What a hectic morning.

Author's note:

Please gives me your thoughts, I really appreciate reading them. Comment and like, new parts will be up soon. Let's also pretend that Nokia phones existed in 1983 lol.💕💕

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