Part six

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His gaze was on me while he listened to the person on the line, making me feel so flustered I had to look away.
"Yes...I hear you" he said as he turned from me and walked towards the fireplace.
Standing there, I became entranced by how the firelight played on the skin of his face bringing to stark relief the sharpness and angles of his features.
The way his body filled out the custom three-piece suit was criminal, and he seemed to be made up of 70 percent legs. This is a beautiful man.
He was everything.
I can't believe I was over here practically drooling over a 27-year-old man, a man 5 years younger than me...
I know I should leave. But for some reason, I didn't want to and I had no idea why.
Also, I was still curious to know the reason for what just happened.

"Now..." he said dragging me from my thoughts "where were we?"
He slipped his phone into his pocket as he came to stand in front of me.
He gripped my chin and tilted my head backward.

He loves doing that a lot I noticed
"I'll send a car for you"he said as his intense gaze ran over my face.
"I don't think that will be possible," I said nervously as I slipped from his hold and moved away from him.
I don't know why I said that when I had my tongue in his mouth just a moment ago, but I needed to gain a little bit of control over this situation.

"I have a meeting..."I lied hastily "with a client"
"You're lying," he said, the corner of his lips kicking in a little smirk.
"My driver will come to pick you up by noon tomorrow" he continued "And We'll have lunch together".
He raised his hand towards my face and picked up one of my braids, as he idly toyed with it.
"Wear something nice..." he added to which I only rolled my eyes, making him chuckle.

And before I could say anything he dropped the braid, turned, and walked out of the room.
Probably on purpose so I couldn't give a definite rejection.
He was infuriating.

As I watched him walk away, the only thing I could think about was that he didn't even ask for my address, how was he supposed to know where to send his driver?
He didn't even ask for my number!

I stayed in the study for a few more minutes to collect myself, and also hoped no one looked at me weirdly.
I was the owner of one of the most exclusive fashion houses in New York, and here I was behaving like a schoolgirl over some...guy.
Well, he was more than "some guy" but still...

I felt a little sick...I can't believe I let him kiss me like that and I also kissed him back. A guy I barely know.

I think about sending back to whomever he sends tomorrow without accompanying them, But I think it'll be better to go see him and tell him off directly.

Yeah, that's what I'll do.

On getting back to the ballroom, I couldn't see Kieran anywhere.
Seems like he left.
So I just went directly to Eva, said my goodbyes, and left.
I could see the curiosity burning in her gaze when we spoke but she didn't ask me anything. Thankfully.
I don't think I could have given any answer to the questions in her eyes even if she had asked them.
If she was that curious, well...she could just ask her brother.

Although I doubt he would say anything to her.

Hi guys! Another update coming up later, stay tuned!

PS. I'll be happy to hear your thoughts and whatever feedback you have concerning the story...just no hate and be respectful about your opinions, thanks!!

HER Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon