A Different Life: Chapter Three

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Branch shook his head and just think about this later. "Soo what now" Branch asked. "Maybe announce it now?" Poppy answered. "Yeah! Im sure everyone will love the news!" DJ Suki replied. "Then lets go?" Branch said. Everyone nodded.

Branch and Poppy went up the big mushroom. Poppy "Attention everyone. I have an announcement" Poppy yelled, getting every Trolls attention attention. Everyone was confused, Especially cause Branch is next to her. Branch was nervous. He gulped and looked at Poppy worried. She looked back and smiled, then held his hand. The crowd got more confused. Branch and Poppy faced back to everyone.

"Me and Branch are.." Poppy suddenly got nervous and stopped. She looked at Branch again. "Its alright." He smiled. Poppy smiled back and looked at everyone. "We're in love" Everyone was in shock.

"Your what??" A Troll asked. "Since when?" Questions kept coming and coming. Eventually Poppy ordered the crowd silent. "Listen I know its a little sudden. But we.." Poppy held Branch's other hand, his smile widened more. "We just fell in love. I domt know how it happend but I dont regret it" Poppy continued. The crowd went dead silent.

Branch noticed the silence, he got nervous. He had no idea how to support her to keep the relationship. He sighed and tried to encourage the love more. Branch let go of Poppy and faced the crowd. "I know you all probably know I used to be a gray, lifeless Troll. But your leader, Poppy. Changed me." He took a deep breath. "She helped me escape the darkness that kept haunting me." He looked back at Poppy and smiled. "And I would risk my life to protect, and help the Village." He looked back at the crowd. "So. Will you all accept me as future King?" He slightly cringed at his last word, King? What a weird way to end it.

It was quiet for a moment. But eventually, One troll clapped slowly. And then the rest. Then cheered. Some yelled "We support you both!" "You two could make a great couple!" and more supportive lines. Branch smiled brightly than ever. Poppy went next to him and looked at each other. "That might be the best smile you ever had so far!" Poppy giggled. "Really? Cause I couldnt stop. Its sorta starting to hurt a little" Branch chuckled. Poppy laughed. "Thats why I love you. I knew you had a hidden personality like this." Poppy smiled.

Branch giggled. "Thanks to you. I learned to be happy once more" He went in for a kiss. The crowd gasped. Then Branch realized what he just done and blushed. He looked at everyone "Well uh I think thats all for now. Right Poppy?" He then looked at her. "Yeah! Sorry for the sudden and quick announcement eveyone. You all may go back to what you've been doing" Poppy smiled, then everyone went back to what they've been doing.

Branch and Poppy both hopped down to the mushroom. The Snack Pack then went towards them. "That went well!" Smidge gave a thumbs up. "When will you two gonna marry huh?" Biggie smirked. Making both Branch and Poppy blushed. "Biggie whyyyy" Poppy hid her face from embarrassment. Everyone laughed and Branch chuckled nervously. "Speaking of. Does your father know about this?" Branch asked Poppy. She looked up quickly to Branch,

"Oh shoot I forgot to tell him!" Poppy grabbed Branch's hand and rushed of. "Woah slow down there Poppy!" Poppy looked behind her. "Sorry guys but we gotta go!" She looked back in front of her.

"Cmon Poppy slow down! I cant keep up at your speed!" Branch said as he was still being dragged by Poppy. She stopped running "Oh yea-" she got cut off by Branch bumping onto Poppy from the sudden stop. Both "Oofed" as they fell off the ground.

Branch didnt realize it but he was on top of Poppy. "Next time dont ever drag me-" Branch immediately got up when he realized it.

"Anyways whats the rush for if you just have to tell your father?" Branch asked as he cleans himself up. "Sorry its just that I always tell my dad stuff and this might be the first time." Poppy replied as she got up.

"And probably because Im excited to let him know our relationship?" She added. Branch sarcastically raises a brow. "Oh dont look at me like that. Lets just go" Poppy continued to go to his dad's place. this time, walking.

Few minutes later

Poppy and Branch arrived at Poppy's dads place. She sighed and knocked at the door. "Coming!" a reply from the other side. Poppy looked at Branch, frowning a little. "What's wrong?" Branch asked. "Im just kinda nervous." She looked down. He layed his hand on Poppy's shoulder. "Its alright Poppy, I am too." He warmly smiled. Poppy smiled back.

The door finally opened, "Oh Poppy!" Peppy hugged his daughter. Poppy hugged back. "Heyy dad!" She laughed.

They let go of each other, then Peppy looked at Branch, making Branch nervous a little. "And who might you be?" Peppy asked. "Oh yeah! Dad this is Branch, Branch this is my Dad. Aka the King, Peppy." Poppy replied.

"H-Hey, King Peppy." Branch nervously chuckled. "Its nice to see you Branch" Peppy offered his hand to Branch. "I-Its nice to see you too King Peppy!" Branch shaked Peppy's hand.

"Anyways, Dad. Me and Branch have something important to tell you." Poppy spoke up. Peppy raised a brow, and smiled. "Anything, Poppy. You may come in" Peppy invited Poppy and Branch. Peppy went inside. Branch sighed. "Nervous much?" Poppy giggled. "Oh quit it" Branch went inside. Poppy shrugged. "Alright then" She smiled and went inside with him.

Branch and Poppy sat on the couch, While King Peppy made tea for them. Branch groaned silently, Poppy noticed. "Whats wrong Branch?" Poppy asked to her boyfriend, holding his hands. Branch looked at his girlfriend, "Nothing, just worried thats all" Branch replied.

Finally, Peppy returned and gave them tea. "Sorry for the wait," Peppy sat down in front of them.  "What do you both need to tell me?" He continued. "Its about. Me and Branch" Poppy replied to her dad. "King Peppy, me and your daughter are.." Branch continued Poppy's reply. King Peppy started to feel worried.

"You two are what?" The King got closer to them. "..We're in love" Branch and Poppy said together. Peppy was shocked.

"..For how long?" The King asked the couple. "For a while now" Poppy laughed nervously. Branch gulped, waiting for The Kings answer.

Peppy stood up, and went towards them, Making Branch more nervous. "I.." Peppy just said. He doesnt like me doesnt he. Well, I'm sorry Po-

"Support you two" He continued, Poppy gasped happily, and hugged her father thightly. "Thank you dad thank you!!" Poppy shouted happily. Branch looked spaced out. The King looked at Branch, "Come here, son" Peppy invited him to the hug. Branch came back to reality. He joyfully joined the hug. Son huh? Branch chuckled at himself.

After minutes, they broke the hug, then Peppy looked at Branch. "You best take care of my daughter or ill sue you" Peppy chuckled, Poppy laughed. "Daaaad" She said. Branch chuckled, "You can count on me, King Peppy" He replied.

"Please, Call me Peppy" The King said to Branch. "Okay sir" Branch saluted.

Poppy laughed, "Branch, stop. you look stupid when you act like that" She joked. Branch looked at Poppy, acting angry. "Heyy Im not stupid!" Branch  replied. Peppy and her daughter laughed. Branch turned his face to a happy one, and laughed with them

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