Gray: Chapter One

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When Poppy and the Trolls on Troll village is done with their party. Poppy wanted to visit Branch and check out whats up.

Poppy went to Branch's bunker and knocked. "Branch? Branch are you in there?" she said quite worriedly.

Branch was sobbing cause he keeps thinking about his grandma. "Leave me alone, Poppy. I wanna be alone right now" Branch said

Branch's sobbing could be barely heard but Poppy could hear him sobbing . "Branch? What's wrong, I could hear you sobbing"

Branch is getting annoyed and he just wanted some alone time. "I said leave me alone Poppy" he shouted angrily.

Poppy just left without saying good bye.

She went back to Troll Village and headed to her pod and went to sleep.

Now return to where Branch is

As Branch is still sobbing, he started thinking how he could stop this feeling. Branch just missed his grandma alot.

He went to his bed now crying. He couldnt sleep because of emotion he currently have.

So he thought he would start staying up often.

He got up to bed and sat on the couch. Thinking more about his life.

His eyes started to look very tired and feeling sleepy.

He looked at the clock and it reads: 3:17 am

He wanted fresh air so he went outside his bunker.

After a few minutes of fresh air, he was about to go back inside the bunker but then he heard a noise.

He went checking the bush where the noise is coming from. "Whoever you are, show yourself!"

Something came out and it was just a cute little bunny. "Oh its just a bunny"

He went back heading to the bunker.

He checked the clock again and it reads: 4:03 am. "Did I really went outside that long?" he questioned himself.

Branch got hungry, but he wasnt in a mood eating anything. He then started trying starving himself too. "I dont deserve being happy.. I dont deserve living.." he started crying again.

He was crying for so long he didnt realized its now 10:20 am

Poppy knocked at the trapdoor. "Branch, you awake?" she was still worried about Branch.

Branch stopped crying and just went to the elevator going up. Branch opened the trapdoor seeing Poppy in front of him.

"Branch, you dont look great. Did you stay up?" she worryingly asked.

"Im fine, Poppy. Like always. Now please leave me alone" Branch looked away from her

Poppy wanted to cheer the mood up and tried to hug Branch. He just accept it but didnt hug back

"Can I come in?" Poppy asked cheerfully. "Fine, but dont touch anything" he said with a low voice

Poppy was happy he let her in. But while going down to the elevator, it was a complete silent.

Poppy didnt like the silence so she tried to make a conversation. "So, how are you Branch?" she asked nervously hoping he wont get mad like always.

"Im fine, thanks for asking anyway" he answered sarcastically.

It was quiet for a couple seconds. They finally arrived underground.

Poppy wanted to know why Branch doesnt sing and dance. "Branch, why dont you sing and dance?" Poppy asked nervously again.

Branch didnt like what she just asked so he just stayed silenced.

"Branch, please tell me" she didnt like how he stayed silent.

"..I dont wanna talk about it" he answered, he was about to cry but he kept it inside because Poppy is still here.

"Branch, are you okay" she asked worried about him

Branch is starting to get annoyed that she kept saying his name alot. "Stop being worried about me, its not worth your time" he said clearly

"Everything is worth my time, I will always help"

Branch managed to crack a smile a little but stopped in just a few seconds.

Poppy noticed him smiling. *Gasp* "You smiled!" Poppy shouting with happiness.

"Yeah yeah, its just a smile. No big deal" he got annoyed a little.

"I never seen you smile until now!" Poppy started jumping around

Branch is getting more annoyed. "Can you please leave now?"

Poppy stopped jumping around. "Can I stay for a while? Im free today" she asked.

"I want to be alone, Poppy" he said with a low voice.

Poppy wanted to stay longer and help Branch being happy. "But I want to help you to be happy. Please, let me help you"

Branch doesnt want to be happy again. "I said leave me alone!" Branch shouted in front of her

Poppy got hurt when Branch said that, she went to the elevator crying

Branch felt guilty from what he just said. "Wait Poppy im sorry!" Poppy didnt seem to heard Branch.

Branch fell down to his knees crying. "Why do I always make things worst.."

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