A Different Life: Chapter One

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After couple minutes of walking, they reached Troll Village. As Poppy was happy to be home again, Branch still wasnt used to being a normal Troll. But he was just happy that Poppy is happy.

"Soo what are we gonna do now?" Branch asked. "Hmmm. How about-" "POPPY!!" Poppy got cut off by someone calling her. She recognized the voice. Poppy turned around quickly and excitedly seeing Biggie and the rest of The Packs. "Guys!!" Poppy grabbed Branch and jumped, about to hug The Packs. "W-Woah! S-Slow down there girl!" Poppy reached the Packs and immediately hugged each other completely trapping Branch in the hug.

Branch was a little okay with hugs, but never in group hugs. "Okay guys that's enough for now" Branch said but they just continued hugging. Branch tried to escape the hug. He groaned in defeat and just tried to be as comfortable as possible until they let go.

After couple minutes of hugging, they finally let go of each other. "Finallyyy" Branch said. The group just chuckled a little. "So what should we do?" Poppy asked the Pack, excited to do more group activities with Branch.

"How about a Slumber Party!" DJ Suki suggested. "Great idea Suki!" Poppy replied. Everyone else nodded in agreement, but Branch stayed silent and got lost in thought. What if I accidently used my power? What would they think of me then?! Branch was freaking out.

"Branch? Whats wrong?" Poppy asked getting worried. Branch eventually came back to reality and shook his head. "Y-Yeah. Im good" Branch answered.

"Who's place should we go?" Smidge asked. "How about Branch?" Biggie suggested, which shocked Branch. "Yeah I dont think Ive seen the place before" Satin nodded. "Oh, um well I-" Branch was lost in words. "Do you mind Branch?" Smidge asked. "I umm.." Branch didnt want the group to be in his territory, but he didnt want to be rude either.

"Guys I think Branch doesnt want too many guest at once at his place" Poppy spoke up. "Oh" Chenille said. Branch looked at Poppy a little surprised by the sudden reply. She secretly winked at Branch, making him slightly smile.

"Why dont we just go to my place then?" Poppy suggested.


Few minutes later

The group (Including Branch) arrived at Poppy's place with their nessecary stuff. Branch knocked on the door.

"Coming!" Poppy at the other side of the door said. She opened the door, "Hello again guys!" The Pack said hello back at her

The group went inside and dropped down their stuff.

Another Minutes later

The gang are currently scrapbooking at the floor. While Branch was just sitting there, watching them.

Poppy stopped for a moment to look at Branch. She sat up, "Why dont you try scrapbooking?" Poppy asked. "It isnt really my thing" Branch shrugged. "Cmon just give it a try" Poppy handed him a scissor and paper. Branch looked at it for a moment.

"I guess ill give it another chance" Branch grabbed the scissor and paper and cutting it. Poppy went back to her scrapbooking with the others.

Branch tried making a shape of a snowflake but he miserably failed. "This is harder than it used to be" Branch groaned. Poppy looked up at Branch letting out a little giggle. Then looked at the clock. 9:24 PM. Did they really scrapbooked that long?

Poppy got up and stretched, The rest did the same. "Alright guys I think its time for bed" she yawned. Everyone got their sleeping bag then layed down.

10:00 PM

Branch was still awake. Scared what would happen to him at the morning. He sat up, then looked at Poppy. She was sleeping peacefully. Branch smiled a little.

Branch silently stood up trying not to wake up the others, and went outside for a some fresh air.

He looked at the moon on the sky. He smiled and started humming a song.

It was peaceful and quiet until. "BOO!" someone snuck behind him. Branch jumped back and got ready to shoot them with ice.

Branch looked at them little more closely, He groaned realizing who it was. "Poppy what are you doing in the middle of the night" Poppy giggled a little, "Well I just simply noticed you going out, since I wasnt sleeping yet." Poppy replied. Branch raised a brow, "What could possibly make you avoid falling asleep?" Branch asked again curiously. "Well I um.. I just couldnt get my mind of about you.." Poppy mumbled, but Branch understood what she said. He warmly smiled and walked closer to Poppy

"Must be hard sleeping without me huh" Branch softly whispered onto her ear. Poppy blushed a little. "Y-Yeah.. C-Can you sleep with me, again?" Poppy asked nervously. Branch chuckled softly and nodded slowly. "Sure"

Poppy brightly smiled on the amswer. Branch turned around and looked back at the sky, "In the meantime, Wanna enjoy the view with me?" Branch asked. Poppy walked next to him, "Sure"

{ ~The New Life~ } Broppy FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang