Hidden Secrets: Chapter Six

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After couple minutes of explaining to Poppy, Branch sighed and leaned on the couch. Poppy got closer to him, feeling worried. "Will you be okay with this.. Thing?" Poppy asked quietly. Branch looked at Poppy, "Yeah im sure. Just need to learn how to control it more" Branch replied, looking down. "But will you be okay to deal with.. This?" Branch looked at his hands.

"Well if you can, could you show me how it works?"
"Ehh.. Why not"

Branch got up, while Poppy was excited to see his power closely. Branch took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. He put together his hands, creating a snowball. Branch smirked and threw it to Poppy. "H-Hey! Not fair!" Branch laughed at her reaction. "Ill make sure to play it fair. Well if I can," He then focused more to his power. He then aimed his hands up. Trying to make an indoor snow everywhere. But nothing was happening. Branch started to struggle, but then gave up. And started to breath in and out.

Poppy got up and went for a hug for Branch. "Its alright Branchie, maybe next time" Poppy whispered to his ear. Branch hugged back. "I love you Poppy" Branch softly said to her ear. Poppy let go of Branch and kissed him, making Branch blush. Then looked at him closely. "I love you too" Poppy replied.

They both stared at each other for a little. Until suddenly Branch felt dizzy. "P-Poppy.." He looked like he was about to faint. "B-Branch? Whats wrong- BRANCH!" Poppy yelled as he fainted on the floor.

"Oh geeez what should I do?!" Poppy was freaking out. She then tried to carry Branch to the couch. "I hope you'll be okay.." Poppy softly said.

Couple minutes later

Poppy was just sitting there, waiting for Branch to wake up.

She started to feel a little sleepy from boredom. "Well its okay if I just take a quick nap-" Poppy yawned and layed her head on Branch's chest, and closed her eyes.

Another more minutes later

Branch started to open his eyes. He looked around and noticed Poppy sleeping on his chest. His eyes widened and started to blush a little.

He shook his head a little then tried to wake Poppy up. She yawned and opened her eyes, seeing Branch smiling at her. She blushed, "I-I was just tired because y-you fainted and I-" Poppy got cut off by Branch kissing her. Poppy was shocked but she kissed him back. They looked at each other, "Im fine now Pops" Branch softly said to her ear. Poppy chuckled and kissed him.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Branch asked, giving Poppy a warm smile. She smiled back, "Lets go get fresh air!" Poppy replied excitedly. Branch rolled his eyes but in a good way.

"Race ya!" Poppy ran towards the elevator, while Branch just chuckled and ran with her. Poppy got on the elevator first, "Yeah I won!" She laughed. And Branch laughed with her, "Heeey no fair you had a head start!" Branch sarcastically complained as he pulled the lever, making the elevator go up.

"Your just slow" Poppy said happily. Branch rolled his eyes, then stared at her eyes. He started spacing out. "Uhm. Got anything in your mind Branch?" Poppy asked. Branch got back to reality and shook his head. "Oh its nothing" Branch replied, chuckling nervously. Poppy just shrugged it off.

They arrived at the surface. Branch and Poppy walked out to the elevator, Then started walking to the Village.

They've been awkwardly silent. Poppy broke the silence, "So when are you going to tell the others? Ya know.. Your powers". Branch was a little suprised with the question. He sighed and shrugged "Im not sure yet.. I just dont want them to be scared of me.."

Branch stopped walking and looked down at the ground. Poppy put her hand at Branch's shoulder. "Dont worry Branchie, they love you no matter what" He looked up at her, feeling a little better. He smiled, then hugging Poppy. "Thanks. I kinda needed that reply.." Branch teared up a little. Poppy hugged him back and stayed still for a little while.

After a few minutes, Branch let go of Poppy and continued going to the Village.

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