Hidden Secrets: Chapter Two

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Branch and Poppy went to her pod, feeling awkward with each other.

They both sat down on a chair, awkwardly staring at each other. "So, what happend. Why did you suddenly forget about our times?" Poppy asked. "Well.. Theres this paper, that makes someones recent memories or so forgets them" Branch answered.

It went silent for a couple seconds. "It only happens when the paper interacted someones blood and that someone will forget those memories while they slept. Which what happend to me" Branch continued. "Look.. I want to remember those memories. Whatever It is I would understand"

Branch started to hold Poppy's hands. They both blushed and Branch immediately removed his hand from hers. Poppy felt bad about being angry to him, "Im sorry Branch, I had no idea.." she looked away feeling guilty.

"Its fine. But can we remake those memories? For me?" Branch asked. Poppy nodded.

They started recreating what they did. They invited the Snack Pack over. And started to have fun. Branch started to remember the memories.

After couple minutes the Snack Pack left, which made Branch and Poppy left alone together again.

They both stared at each other, getting closer to each other's faces.

Branch felt nervous, but he went for it and kissed Poppy. She was suprised, but she kissed Branch back. Branch blushed alot. Poppy giggled, "Any memories?" Poppy happily asked. Branch nodded and hugged Poppy. "I think I remember everything now" Branch softly said to Poppy's ear. She hugged Branch back thightly.

After few minutes, Branch let go of Poppy looking sad. "Whats wrong?" Poppy asked. Branch sighed, "But not everything.." Branch replied. Poppy immediately remember what he was talking about. "Branch.." Poppy said with a sad voice.

"I think I have to Poppy.." Branch said looking at his arms. "Its the only way" "You dont have to do this!" Poppy refused to let himself cut again.

Branch grabbed a pocket knife behind his vest, "Im sorry Poppy" Branch sliced his arm in front of Poppy. "Branch stop! Please!" Poppy begged.

Suddenly Branch remembered everything now. "I-I.." Branch dropped the knife and hugged Poppy thightly. "Im sorry Poppy!" Branch cried on Poppy. She hugged back thightly.

They hugged each other for a while. Finally Branch calmed down and let go of Poppy. "Feeling better?" Poppy asked worried. Branch nodded slowly. "Can I stay for the night..?" Branch asked. Poppy nodded happily.

Branch cracked a smile, and kissed Poppy. She blushed. "Thanks" Branch said with a smile. "I can sleep on the couch" Branch continued.

"You can sleep with me" Poppy said, Branch stared at Poppy, blushing real hard. "Y-You sure? I-I know we did it b-before and w-we are-" Branch got cut off with Poppy kissing him. "Its alright Branchie" Poppy giggled a little. "D-Dont call me that" Branch looked away, and looking at the time. 6:05 PM

"We still have time to hang out" Branch said. "Lets do scrapbooking!" Poppy replied. Branch smiled and rolled his eyes. "Eh why not" Branch said.

They started scrapbooking, Branch having trouble. Poppy giggled at Branch, "Look im not good at it!" Branch said. Poppy laughed, "Here let me help you." They continued scrapbooking for a while.


Branch looked at the clock, then looked at Poppy. "Hey Poppy we should go to sleep now" Branch suggested. Poppy groaned, "Finee" Poppy started cleaning up the mess.

"I had alot of fun" Branch stood up, Poppy agreed. And Branch started helping Poppy clean up.

After a few minutes, they finished cleaning. They both went to bed and layed down. They looked at each other, "Goodnight Poppy" Branch said. "Goodnight Branchie" Poppy replied. Branch rolled his eyes, "I said dont call me that" Poppy giggled, "Deal with it" Poppy replied. Branch sighed and closed his eyes. Poppy did the same.

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