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Damian POV

I entered her room and saw she was tied to her bed.She had cuts over her body.The cuts were deep and was still bleeding.The alley cat was busy cutting her left arm with his claws.

I felt anger boiling within me.How dare he do this to her. I will stop him from further hurting her."Take you're filthy paws of her at once!"he gave me a grin and plunged his claws deeper making Mari scream in pain.

I was furious how dare he do this to her. I tackled him of her and hit him.He got out of my grip with a struggle.Before I could get him he went out of the window. I looked at Mari.She had multiple cut's allong her arms and legs.She had four cut's on her left cheek.She also had some deep cuts on her stomach.Harley and Ivy came rushing in ready to attack soon followed by my family and Selene.

They all gasped as they saw Mari's condition.Tikki got the Miracle box and released all the kwamis.They serrounded her and held hands.They did a ancient chant as her body was soon flying in the air glowing in a pink light.

The light went into each cut and soon healed it.No scare was left on her body.Her blood was dry but she didn't lose to much.Her clothes on the other hand was shredded.Her hair that was kept neat was out of place and messy.

Her face expression changed from pain fulled to a grateful one.She opened her eyes and you could see fear coming from her."Father we need to let her live in the manor.That way neither Chat Noir or joker could get her."I said trying to remain calm.

"I think that would be the safest option.Harley what do you think you are her mother after all."Bruce asked and Harley looked close to tears."Jeah I think batsey has a point Mari you will be living with the Wayne's untill all this is figured out.Or well until that strays Miraculous is retrieved."she sighed and nodded.We said a quick good bey and left.

"Alfred please prepare a room for Mari.She will be staying at the manor."my father said through his com. I am so going to kill a stray.

Mari QuinnOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz