Chapter 2

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"I know you didn't get those bruises from training yesterday," My eyes widened at the comment

"What do you mean," I said rubbing the back of my neck

"Well, first of all, yesterday was Sunday and I know for a fact you don't train on the weekends," He stated 

I brought my hand down to put it in my pocket only causing my shoulder and arm more pain.

"Oop, you got me," I lied, "I was fooling around with a couple of friends this weekend,"

"All right," He said clearly not believing me. Mr. Aizawa then muttered something under his breath that I couldn't make out.

I walked to the cafeteria and sat down with the bakusquad.

"So, what was that about," Mina asked nudging me 

"What?" I asked with a mouth full of ramen, "Why did Mr. Aizawa pull you after class," Sero asked

"Oh, he just asked me a question," I responded

"Yeah right," A tired voice said from the end of the table

Is that Shinso that was sitting next to me in class. 

I plastered on a large smile, "Hey Shinso, I didn't see you there,"

He placed his head on the table and dozed off. My face hurts from smiling all-day. I lowered my smile into a small frown and continued to eat my ramen.

Kirishima started poking me, "What's wrong bro, your vibe seems off today"

I looked at him with a confused expression, "Mmm? I'm fine what do you mean,"

"Ok," He said turning back to everyone else at the table

Shit, they're getting suspicious. 

I looked a Shinso at the other end of the table. My face was growing warm. He is really hot.

That beautiful purple-haired insomniac is dragging me into his trap. 

He opened his eyes only to see me staring at him, we made eye contact which only made me blush more.

I turned my attention back to my food but to my misfortune, Mina noticed the light pink blush dusting my cheeks.

She rested her elbow on my shoulder, which hurt a little, "So, you got a little crush on purple there don't ya," Mina teased 

"You better not say anything to the angry pomeranian," I said whipping my head to look at her

What good does telling her not to say anything do? She's just going to tell him anyway.

I can never trust Mina with anything.

The bell rang and that meant it was time for training.

I hopped up and started walking the locker room. I hope I covered up the scars and bruises good enough this morning. 

(437 words)

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