Chapter 24

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"-this will be the final time I ask," I said a few tears escaping my grasp

"What If I don't leave," He taunted

"Then as I said, I will have to release the dogs," Shinso wrapped his arms around me, pulling my back into his chest.

"There are no dogs here," He said standing up and slowly inch toward me, "Now if you would please cooperate I have a few more questions,"

"Bakugo," I said, "now."


"Leave some for me Bakubro!" Uraraka said excitedly

The news reported turned around and Baku violently grabbed the collar of his shirt headbutting him. Uraraka placed a hand on him making him float. Everyone pushed him to the door and for the "grand finale" Midoriya dropped kicked him like a kickball.

Shinso continued comforting me and tears were spilling out of the corners of my eyes, "Thank you guys, I really appreciate everything you've done for me,"

"I really don't deserve friends like you," I said making me cry more

"Aww, Denki, don't say that," Mina said hugging me, beckoning everyone onto a group hug.

"You're on something else man," Sero said, "We're the ones that don't deserve you,"

Bakugo didn't join the hug until Kiri forced him to. After a few minutes the hug broke up and someone suggested that we play truth or dare.

"I mean, I'm down," Tsu said

Iida started frantically waving his arm up and down, "But Asui I am af-," He was interrupted

"I told you to call me Tsu,"

"I- uh, please excuse my mix up," He apologized, "But if I may continue,"

"Chill out Iida, you'll be fine," Shinso said, "It's just a harmless game of truth or dare, it won't hurt you,"

Iida pushed up his then opened his mouth to speak only to close it again a second later.

Mina jumped up, "So! Shall we get started!"

(308 words)

Heyo my beautiful readers! Sorry for not updating as much, I've been super swamped with testing and all that jazz (ya like jazz). I'm thinking about ending this book at chapter 30. Let me know your thoughts! Either way, I hope y'all had an amazing day!

-your stressed author, ace<3

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